Poll: Merge in turn - why does nobody get it?

Who was in the right?

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I think you're missing the point. The signs do not need to state merge in turn, it's what you should do by default.

I'm not disputing the merits of merge in turn. I think for the majority of drivers in this video queuing was a reasonable course of action, perhaps not the best but given the lack of signs it's reasonable to expect.

However, undertaking a long queue of traffic at speed under the guise of practicising merge in turn is not reasonable. The queing traffic is virtually standstill with none or very little space to merge. So you've no realistic chance of merging anymore and you've irritated a large group of drivers as well as compounding the problem of the queue.

The 'get in the correct lane for your vehicle' that you keep highlighing is not really relevant to the discussion as it's more for heavy/high vehicles.

Temporary lane closures apply to all vehicles.
Temporary lane closures apply to all vehicles.

You don't need to be told to 'get into the correct lane' though because the lane is physically obstructed and the alternative is to crash. It is no longer a lane, there therefore isn't an 'incorrect' or a 'correct' lane, there is merely one lane.

Into which 2 lines of traffic should merge.

In turn.
[TW]Fox;27947621 said:
You don't need to be told to 'get into the correct lane' though because the lane is physically obstructed and the alternative is to crash. It is no longer a lane, there therefore isn't an 'incorrect' or a 'correct' lane, there is merely one lane.

Into which 2 lines of traffic should merge.

In turn.

Well given that merge in turn is only meant to be practised "at a very low speed", if you see a temporary lane closure sign in the distance travelling at 70 mph do you;

A) decelerate and stay in that lane until you reach 15 - 20mph, then merge.
B) act in good time, switch to the live lane continue along at 50mph or whatever's appropriate.

Mind, once you're in the live lane you are not supposed to change lanes to overtake/undertake queuing traffic.
Saw some loon try this kind of blocking with a lorry last year. They pulled out into about a 30-40 yard gap with the lorry driver bearing down on them at about 40mph. Lorry driver immediately slammed on the anchors and hit the horn.

They realised the lorry wasn't going to stop too late. It was clenched buttocks time watching from the other lane.

Lorry driver only saved the idiot from a severe case of whiplash or worse by mounting the verge in the central reservation, which was thankfully very wide.

I'd say this happened about 600-700 yds from where the road actually narrowed. Pure stupidity.
When I watched the OP's video, I was incredulous.

Police have all they need to slap a dangerous driving charge on the Renault driver. I'd love it if that happened, given the guy recording it obviously approved.
I'm not disputing the merits of merge in turn. I think for the majority of drivers in this video queuing was a reasonable course of action, perhaps not the best but given the lack of signs it's reasonable to expect.

However, undertaking a long queue of traffic at speed under the guise of practicising merge in turn is not reasonable. The queing traffic is virtually standstill with none or very little space to merge. So you've no realistic chance of merging anymore and you've irritated a large group of drivers as well as compounding the problem of the queue.

Temporary lane closures apply to all vehicles.

Are you being intentionally obtuse? What you consider is reasonable is irrelevant. People have told you that you're wrong a hundred times and you're still chuntering on! What will it take for you to grasp this?
I'm not disputing the merits of merge in turn. I think for the majority of drivers in this video queuing was a reasonable course of action, perhaps not the best but given the lack of signs it's reasonable to expect.

Temporary lane closures apply to all vehicles.

The majority of drivers were wrong, there's no disputing that. If they wanted to get into the one lane early then that is their prerogative but you can't get angry at a guy that is just doing what he is perfectly entitled to do.

Yes, he was going too fast, we all agree on that, but there is no issue with him bypassing all of the other cars.

No one is saying the temp closure doesn't apply to all cars. All we're saying is that the text you keep highlighting is not relevant to your argument.
Just realised that the poll says 'do you think the magane driver was right?'

Whether you are in the 'I know how to drive' team and understand using lane space and merge in turn; or whether you are in the 'I don't deserve my license' team and think people that go past you are filthy rude queue jumpers....how on earth can anyone vote yes to agreeing with what the megane done!?! Pulling out to cause deliberate obstruction of cars coming at speed!!!!?? He should have his license suspended without a doubt.
I wish I hadn't voted, I didn't realise other people could see my vote and only wanted to see what the general consensus was. Not sure I did myself many favours with my comments either, lesson learnt on reflection :o
I wish I hadn't voted, I didn't realise other people could see my vote and only wanted to see what the general consensus was. Not sure I did myself many favours with my comments either, lesson learnt on reflection :o

I didn't vote as I don't agree with either driver. They were both being bell-ends.
Coming home last night I had a lorry a few cars in front decide to take matters in to his own hand on a road clearly signposted "merge in turn". He decided to drive at the same speed as the lane next to him to stop anyone getting past, utter tool as it just caused longer queues behind him back to the traffic lights.
I didn't vote as I don't agree with either driver. They were both being bell-ends.

This TBH, although I did vote. The Mercedes driver wasn't doing anything wrong in using the empty lane but once they both started their merry dance it had decended into sheer prattery all round.
This TBH, although I did vote. The Mercedes driver wasn't doing anything wrong in using the empty lane but once they both started their merry dance it had decended into sheer prattery all round.

I think what somewhat irks me about the video is that once they get to around the 200 yard marker in the video, the traffic starts to move at an ok pace again and there is a massive gap between the camera car and the car in front. If the Merc driver had any sense of awareness, other than racing to the cones as fast as he could, he could have merged decently and safely at that point, been in the correct lane in good time, and probably not inevitably stopped traffic as he tries to get in lane at the very last minute (because lets face it there will be loads of idiots not wanting to let him in at that point, so someone will have to stop). The speed he is going shows he had no intention to "merge in turn" in a safe and timely manner. Instead he clearly just wanted to get to where the lane ends as fast as he could and have someone stop and let him in.

The whole thing was stupid and avoidable. The Renault is obviously much more in the wrong though as what he did was just dangerous.
And what should the Merc driver have done?

Kept a safe distance from the obstruction, indicated right and merged when it was safe. Probably roll eyes a bit

There's no need to start swerving around and getting that close to another car. The Renault driver was entirely in the wrong, but you can't let these things raise your blood pressure like that. You're completely responsible for keeping a safe space around your own vehicle, that's not what he was doing
I made a thread in the past about this. A woman decided it was a good idea to block me in the same way, I mounted the central reservation and gave her the finger. It made me rage.

I can understand peoples frustration if they are dumb enough to queue for 800 yards.

To be honest I dont understand why there hasnt been a big campaign to actually educate people. Its ridiculous.
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