Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes coming to PC!?

OK that sounds good, I think I'll give it a shot. Loving the stealth play since Deus Ex:HR, who would have thought that not-shooting people can be even more fun than shooting people!?
Top, top game! Played through every variant of the mission and messed around with lots of game mechanics - holding up enemy soldiers, driving cars and APC, trying different routes to the target.

I also loved Deus Ex and ALien Isolation, this is different, but no less brilliant in a different way.
Did anyone manage to pull off this move?I just cant get it to work :(

I'll pick this up when its < £7

Imho it is one of the best games of 2014, even in this "demo level" package (together with Alien: Resurrection and Assetto Corsa - imho). While Splinter Cell has regressed almost beyond recognition since its heyday Chaos Theory, MGS has only improved at a steady rate. Very good stealth gameplay mechanics, level design and still impeccable cinematic style makes this the best MGS ever, and probably rivals the Chaos Theory. £7 is about the right price though for this amount of content :)
Do you guys think that the HD Collection (MGS2, MGS3 & Peace Walker) will ever come to the PC? I received my PS3 copy a few days ago and i've not had a proper go yet but it looks fantastic and runs silky smooth.

I know Konami released MGS2 on the PC years ago but it doesn't have proper 16:9/16:10 resolutions and controller support.
I certainly would love a full collection of MGS on PC. Its weird how MGS5 is definitely coming to PC, but MGS4 is not, and MGS2 did eventually come to PC, but MGS3 never did... Konami has some strange exclusivity policies with their games, that is for sure.

I'm a HUGE Metal Gear fan but WTF was that? Kojima has finally disappeared up his own rear. Random dialogue and random phrases appearing on the screen that basically mean nothing. Kojima can seemingly put out anything and people will lap it up. I think the man is a genius, and I will buy the game on the day it's released, but that's an awful trailer.
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Was watching the video embedded here:

It seems very different from the style of previous MGS games. Not sure I liked what I saw, tbh.

Seems a bit over the top. Almost seemed like an comic book game rather than a MGS game. I'm not sure if I'm explaining this very well, but the grittiness from something like MGS2 wasn't evident. It also looked more like a Far Cry game. But with more weirdness.

I mean, a horse that you attach to a balloon? Airlifting out enemies on balloons? A companion who turns into smoke and teleports wherever you send her?

Erm... Snake? You sure this is the right game? Seems you've been dropped into a Batman or Avengers game or something...
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