Metal Gear Solid. The Phantom pain.

I thought it was excellent in a weird kind of way. The sounds when you get discovered however is just dumb. I can't remember where I have heard it before and it's bugging the hell out of me.

please tell me you did not just say you cant remember where you heard the metal gear solid alert sound before!?
does anyone understand the plot of mgs, or is it just me that finds it incomprehensible.

I spent an hour or so reading through a plot synopsis for the series. It seems fairly* clear to me now. That said, the prologue now has me confused.
About the weirdness of the prologue -

Now, I know Kojima and I was sure that half of the stuff never actually happened in the prologue, the fire guy and the floating kid. He was rescued by Ocelot, but most of it was just Snake hallucinating ... It fits Kojima's style perfectly.

BUT... Then I heard a cassette tape where Snake and Ocelot were actually talking about the fire guy:confused:

Anyway, it was a great start to the game!
I spent an hour or so reading through a plot synopsis for the series. It seems fairly* clear to me now. That said, the prologue now has me confused.

not played yet, but expect it all to have been misrepresented.

ie whatever you think happened for whatever reason something else did.
Anyone playing with a controller instead of kb/mouse? If so what you using?

XB1 controller. Works perfectly and its designed to be played on a controller as most 3rd person action games are.

What a game though! Its not the prettiest game in the world and its bat s*** insane but its a masterpiece. Ive always loved the way kojima put elements of the supernatural/unexplainable into the series but so far its off the charts
MGS is one of my all time favourite games, is it worth getting this one if I've missed everything in between? I remember playing MGS2 many years ago and not liking it so I never bothered with the others but seeing as it's going to be the last one I'm tempted.
XB1 controller. Works perfectly and its designed to be played on a controller as most 3rd person action games are.

What a game though! Its not the prettiest game in the world and its bat s*** insane but its a masterpiece. Ive always loved the way kojima put elements of the supernatural/unexplainable into the series but so far its off the charts

It's the prettiest representation of desert terrain, at last a game beats Red Dead Redemption in that department.

Great game so far, but back to Tomb Raider then Arkham Asylum, and Mad Max(completing games for a change mode) before I tackle this potentially best action game ever title.
MGS is one of my all time favourite games, is it worth getting this one if I've missed everything in between? I remember playing MGS2 many years ago and not liking it so I never bothered with the others but seeing as it's going to be the last one I'm tempted.

Also want to know, never played MGS..
I gotta say, in 4k and with the graphics whacked up to full it looks absolutely stunning.

The prologue is one of the most batpoo insane things I've played in a triple A title.
I chucked to myself as I followed a man's butt crack whilst crawling very slowly on the floor. Good old Kojima. The flaming whale swallowing an attack helicopter is also up there.

Did everyone s rank the prologue or did I fluke it?
So all this marketing about needing a very recent i7 to play the game is baloney?

Yes, I have a 4yr old machine with a 750gtx 1gig and it runs silky smooth.

I shall refrain from posting pictures as I don't want to show spoilers(for now) but it looks superb and is definitely a shiny polished PC game.
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