Getting weird hitches every 20 seconds or so (stays @ 60 fps though...)
[email protected]
Very annoying. Any one else getting this?
Does this game use physx and is it worthwhile if so? The latest build (Version:9.15.0428) doesn't list Windows 10 as compatible and I've seen issues with installing reported?
Couldnt hold out any longer got it for £20 done 2 missions so far and I'm loving it
Controllers are always better for third person games anyway.
Yeah just use a controller.
Game is so good.
Well, I'm getting some weird performance problem with this game, I have it maxed and I have a solid 60, yet most of the time it's looking rather unsmooth, if I stop in one area and pan, after about 5-10 seconds it becomes smooth. If I move a ways off or an area loads in like Mother Base it's not smooth again till after that amount of time. So as your moving a lot it's hardly ever smooth.
This is not something I had in Ground Zeros.
Test without SLI
You tried using latest drivers? Cleaned with the DDU program?
Seen this game running perfect on two systems with 970 and 980Ti no issues/slow down whatsoever, probably the BEST PC/console crossover game I've ever seen.
Actually curious what the lowest card you could use to max this is? Seems so well optimized.