Microsoft Flight Simulator X

New gtx 460 just been released, any thoughts on how its likely to perform in fsx. I know its largely CPU dependent but what would be a good upgrade from a ssc gtx 260?
A quick question

Is there a noticeable difference between NVidia and ATI graphics cards when playing FSX?

I've heard before that NVidia cards work quite a bit better then ATI cards in FSX, is this true?
Both card types have pros and cons in FSX, I use an ATI 4870x2 2048mb in FSX.

Here is a good link explaining several aspects between the 2 card types:

From what I know/experienced and have read, Nvidia handles FSX better when it comes to shaders esp cloud volumes but is more crash prone especially when running full screen, in fact, most nvidia fsx users run it in window mode. ATI on the other hand is more stable with FSX and can easily be used full screen, also IMO the texturing and MIP mapping is better on the ATI so FSX to me, look a bit better then on nvidia, however, problem is with clouds, especially heavy cloud and lots of them, it can stutter and slow down your FPS real quick. But, I did hear the the latest ATI range, 5870 & 5970 is much better with dealing in that and many say the ATI 5870 especially is the best card atm for FSX even better then GTX480.

In the end, best to read and get as much info as possible before forming your own personal opinion.

My 2cs.

A few FSX pics from my FSX system:













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Tons, mixture of payware and freeware, most notable ones, REX2.0, ENB mod series, photoreal sceneries like NL2000v4 & Earth Simulations.
Yeah rex2 is a winner, i guessed you were running that.

Would like to get some nice photoreal stuff, how do they work with the mesh addons? do they slot together nicely or do you get like land falling into the sea or mesh bumps of land in the sea etc?
For any of you looking to fly for a virtual airline or want a group of people to fly with check out Cayman Airways Virtual. You'll also find you'll get discounts from a few addon developers as a perk of being a member ;)
Is that crashed Beech Barron a part of the scenery or is it "something you made earlier" with a missed approach Soya?

I've never seen aircraft damage modelled in an MS Flight Sim before.
Soya... honestly you need to make a thread about FSX addons and stuff, detailing the settings and mods that you use :) You will have yourself a little online following thats for sure!
Soya, is that Concorde add-on the flight sim labs one?

Yup, that's FSLab's Concorde, the best by far but fairly pricey.

Is that crashed Beech Barron a part of the scenery or is it "something you made earlier" with a missed approach Soya?

I've never seen aircraft damage modelled in an MS Flight Sim before.

That crashed baron is part of the scenery of Alderney by Earth Simulations. I just thought it was fun to fly over it with a selected baron of the same livery type, this shot caused a fair interest on the FSX forums as people got excited about being able to damage your actual plane like that, if only! (could be time to crash some 747s :D)

Soya... honestly you need to make a thread about FSX addons and stuff, detailing the settings and mods that you use :) You will have yourself a little online following thats for sure!

If I only had the time, I have already posted many hints/tips in the past, so people can just lookup my older posts. I also spend much time on FS forums but I had to cut down since Easter as I was spending so much time posting that I hardly got to use my free time to actually do some flying. I tend to use the same nick on FS forums so folks can always keep an eye on that, mind you, I tend to only post screen shots nowadays, just don't have the time otherwise.
I currently have a copy of FSX, along the Level-D's 767-300ER and PMDG's 747-400X sat gathering dust on a shelf presently. My last rig really struggled with FSX, but I'd like to go back to it one day when I can afford to build something better. I'd also love to get my hands on Flightsimmer's A320 series as well, and perhaps the PMDG 737 NGX when it's eventually released.
I'd also love to get my hands on Flightsimmer's A320 series as well

Do you mean the Airsimmer A320?

I bought the 'basic' edition on FS2004 and it really is a great plane, although it has a few bugs to iron out.

I cant see them releasing it for FSX for a couple of year yet though unfortunatly :(

If you're in to Airbus' then Aerosoft have an A320 due for realease in august for FSX which looks quite promising!
Hello all, does anybody have a clue as to why my joystick keeps losing calibration when i go into game? I have the drivers installed, then calibrate the stick, then after flying for about 1 min it starts to veer to either side! Any ideas would be appreciated cheers
great to see this getting a bump. If you haven't tried it yet ORBX fullterrain terrain generators are great and you don't loose too much FPS. They have some free maps including tasmania and do some great airports....
Hello all, does anybody have a clue as to why my joystick keeps losing calibration when i go into game? I have the drivers installed, then calibrate the stick, then after flying for about 1 min it starts to veer to either side! Any ideas would be appreciated cheers

Don't have that problem myself, using a X52 here. Try installing FSUIPC, I heard it supports joystick controllers really well and can calibrate them to your heart's content.
Do you mean the Airsimmer A320?

I bought the 'basic' edition on FS2004 and it really is a great plane, although it has a few bugs to iron out.

I cant see them releasing it for FSX for a couple of year yet though unfortunatly :(

If you're in to Airbus' then Aerosoft have an A320 due for realease in august for FSX which looks quite promising!

Yeah Airsimmer, that's the one. I'm drawn to the Airsimmer A320 as it has quite an accurate representation of the A320's systems, such as the fly-by-wire system's control laws and the "FMC" (I forget Airbus' term for it, and it also reveals my experience of only flying Boeing system authentic aircraft in FSX). I'm under the impression that the Aerosoft A320 won't be quite as "hardcore", but perhaps I'm wrong.
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