Mike Tyson



No more yacky blue cable. Still waiting for a couple of things to ship, but we're getting somewhere. I only needed the 10mm braid for the USB, so I am going to use the 15mm on the nasty USB3 header cable.
Decided after five years to get a new monitor. Nothing wrong with mine, just fancied something more modern.



Nothing spectacular. I won't be running games at the native res either. Most either upscale now or I can do that myself. What did impress me was the Freesync (well, AVS) range. 40-144hz. My current monitor has it, but it only kicks in below 42hz and thus is totally useless. In FO4 for example I get drops into the 50s from 70 and it looks like hot garbage.

I got it from a certain "warehouse" (no, not off the back of a lorry but I guess that may have been a better option lol) so I am hoping it's not Donald Ducked. It was cheap though, so worth a small risk.
One thing that has been getting on my nerves since day one on this case is the "feet" if you can even call them that. They are nothing but rubber pads. Problem is the case is heavy, so moving it around soon ripped off every single dang one of them.

So I asked G to make me some feet that would slide on carpet, were quite big (70ish mm) and could be stuck on with 3m tape without looking out of place. We decided on 10mm? IIRC? black acryl with chamfered edges. this way they will glide on carpet, without ripping themselves off. They will also get the lower panels off the carpet, so they don't catch and bow as I slide the rig around whilst still testing etc. When all is said and done I will fit some 3m felt pads to the middles of the feet, and then they can stand on lino or hard wood without damaging it. So the perfect solution :)

Will get a pic soon.
Yup, 10mm thick. Have got the first one done and just need to repeat it a few times. Missed the 70mm target on the first one it's 69.98mm square. Will try harder for the next three :D
OK so the one thing that has driven me utterly spare with this case is the feet. Or rather, the ten minute feet. That is about how long they lasted.


If you look up at the pic with the arrows on you will see what this case had for feet. Four rubber pads. Rubber and carpet don't mix, so within ten minutes all four had ripped off completely. I was then ed off every time I tried to move it, as the bottom panels are held in with poppers and a screw. However, now that it has nothing for feet they continually catch the carpet as I move it around and pull out. I was literally just waiting for something to bend or snap.

So I kinda left it there. Every time I work on it it gets heavier and heavier so I asked Cenedd with some nice machines to make me something out of 10mm black acrylic. He obliged.





They've been deliberately chamfered to stop them catching the carpet. They're 70x70mm, so nice and chunky. When I take it home I will put some 3m felt pads (that you get for chair legs) on them to make them slide on the lino.
Looking very nice so far. Love the two part case design and the nice copper on the card :cool:. And i can agree with the case catching and sticking to the floor especially with the rubber type feet, i had to make a aluminium base with wheels for my old lian-li. Nice job on the machining cenedd.

Monitor looks good also you will never go back from 144hz+ :p. The Ti will easily do 144hz 1440p (upscaled) if that's what you are after.
Nice job on the machining cenedd.
Cheers. Watched several videos on getting a decent surface finish on acrylic (it's very brittle) and not chipping chunks out of it, tried several different tools....and found it worked best the way I'd have done it without any research. Ah well, sometimes you just strike it lucky. Hope they help Andy.
Looking very nice so far. Love the two part case design and the nice copper on the card :cool:. And i can agree with the case catching and sticking to the floor especially with the rubber type feet, i had to make a aluminium base with wheels for my old lian-li. Nice job on the machining cenedd.

Monitor looks good also you will never go back from 144hz+ :p. The Ti will easily do 144hz 1440p (upscaled) if that's what you are after.

I have a 240hz TN but, well, it's a TN. It's probably the best TN I have ever had (Alienware 24") but alas, it's still a TN. My old HP B&O display is about 5 years or more old now.


And it's really decent, but sadly it's old. 70hz which is not too bad for things like Fallout 4, but it's VA so nowhere near as nice as the Asus. The Asus also has a version of HDR. Not the best according to the shills on Youtube but in person when you have the same monitor you had for 5 years it's pretty incredible. I like the curve too.

Yeah the GPU is an animal tbh. Been arguing debating it on another forum, but people don't realise how much EVGA put into it. A grade core with binning, and the PCB is just beyond ridiculous. Every contact and connection is gold plated.


Really is a work of art. Is it worth £500 more? no not really, unless of course you appreciate all of the things done to it from an engineering perspective. I've no doubt it will live a long and happy life :)
I hope that's not a photo of your Kingpin....they seem to have short-changed you a memory chip just above the EVGA logo at the bottom edge. Clearly ought to have 12GB rather than 11! Looks nicely laid out - to the amateur eye, at least.
I love the gunmetal ali fan surrounds on the front.

I wasn't sure at first. They do give it a splash of something though. It was all a bit black...

Feet arrived today (cheers G !) so I have ordered some double sided atomic bogies.


With which to hold them on. Once they're on I can go back to fixing the PCI card lock thinger I need to make.
I hope that's not a photo of your Kingpin....they seem to have short-changed you a memory chip just above the EVGA logo at the bottom edge. Clearly ought to have 12GB rather than 11! Looks nicely laid out - to the amateur eye, at least.

The Ti’s oddly have 11gb and so have one missing memory chip :/.

Crap, I forgot. The 27" monitor never arrived. So I got the 32" one instead.



Great choice! You will love the increased resolution and size. With many months at 32” I couldn’t go back to 27” now. Going to be a huge increase from the 24” you’re used too.
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