Cheers. Watched several videos on getting a decent surface finish on acrylic (it's very brittle) and not chipping chunks out of it, tried several different tools....and found it worked best the way I'd have done it without any research. Ah well, sometimes you just strike it lucky. Hope they help Andy.Nice job on the machining cenedd.
Looking very nice so far. Love the two part case design and the nice copper on the card. And i can agree with the case catching and sticking to the floor especially with the rubber type feet, i had to make a aluminium base with wheels for my old lian-li. Nice job on the machining cenedd.
Monitor looks good also you will never go back from 144hz+. The Ti will easily do 144hz 1440p (upscaled) if that's what you are after.
I love the gunmetal ali fan surrounds on the front.
I hope that's not a photo of your Kingpin....they seem to have short-changed you a memory chip just above the EVGA logo at the bottom edge. Clearly ought to have 12GB rather than 11! Looks nicely laid out - to the amateur eye, at least.
Crap, I forgot. The 27" monitor never arrived. So I got the 32" one instead.