Mike Tyson

I already have a 32 dude. It's very old though. I have two main set ups. One at home, and one at my mother's house. The 24 is at mum's, the 32 at home. The 32 I have is 70hz (I was lucky, most couldn't get that without serious issues). Which is fine for Fallout 4 but not so good when you are pumping over 100 FPS at it with a 2070, and that will only get worse with a 2080Ti lol. I have several PCs.

Any way good news ! the last time I checked on my Der8auer socket shifter thing it was due in on the 29th. Oh well, I know how to wait. Then today it randomly showed up out the blue, so that's cool AF. I will get on with that over the coming days once the stuff arrives to stick the skid plates on.
Man, been so busy I haven't had time for any of this. Currently working on the loft and getting crap tidied and wired up there. Also working on a couple of bikes..

The feet came and so did the bogey tape. I really must get onto that. Weather is crap next week apparently, so no doubt I'll get on it then :)
There is more work to do yes. The PC is at my mother's house. I ordered it there because lockdown was about to start and I didn't want to be stuck somewhere with nothing to do.

I've been home at my place for about 10 days. I'd not been home in two months, so I really needed to come back. I will be going back over on Thursday. I need to get it finished and packed up so that once everything opens up I can get a removal company to bring it and all of the other stuff (monitor etc).

The weather down here on the south coast has been stunning, so I may have been very sidetracked with a very expensive BMX bike build haha. So yeah, I will probably get the PC finished up and packed next weekend :)
Well being autistic I've been isolating for 12 years any way. I like it that way. So yeah, nothing much has really changed for me apart from the frequency I travel between here and mum's.

But yeah, making the most of life as usual. Well, until yesterday when I got bitten by a false widow and had a bad reaction and had to call an ambulance out lol.
We're kindred spirits as far as I am concerned then.

As you are here now, I take it it wasn't particularly nasty?
Made me sick. Very dizzy etc. My body doesn't like venom. Even wasp stings mess me up.

It's very swollen and itching like hell, but I am avoiding it. I don't fancy necrosis. Will try and pop out tomorrow and get some anti histamines if it's still annoying.
Oh dear, you have a very low tolerance to stings in that case. That can get very serious, good job you were quick to act.

Definitely get antihistamines!
It did get finished, honestly :D The feet are fitted too :)

Awesome project here mate, very neat and tidy, love the positioning of the cards. It's quite unique! Any prospect of getting the new 30 series cards to go with this?
Absolutely none, no.

Firstly this case does not support air cooled cards. At all. So fitting one would likely see it overheat. Secondly? that Kingpin is an animal. More than enough for me.

In fact, so happy am I that I bought this earlier.


And will chuck the water block I have on it and fit it to the other PC :)
Add the hundred (-ish) quid saved by already having a water block for the card (well, nearly) and you have a win. There's never a 'perfect' time to buy a graphics card - it's always just before a better one is going to come out. There's also the possibility that the 30-series, being almost entirely unproven, could have issues like many brand new products often do. The 2080 is a known quantity.
He paid about £450 for it, so cheaper than a 3070 for identical raster performance. Sounds like a good buy.

And more VRAM.

But yeah, very happy with that tbh. Having the block was awesome too. IIRC I paid £84 delivered for it, and had literally all but forgotten about it. Apart from the joke I made in the thread where I bought it lol.

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