Milo/UC Berkley protestors stop 'hate speech' by using violence and hate...

Change what exactly? Prevent someone from speaking at an event? These people are the far left, they aren't tolerant and they aren't liberal.

No it was meaning the cliche line about the "tolerant left" then hinting how they beat people with flag poles etc etc etc, how tolerant etc.....

These ones are obviously not peaceful (as you said.) They are not far left though thats silly. They just hate Trump and all he represents, which is fine in my opinion. I hope a group of them go full retard and try to assassinate him. Would it be possible? Would make great TV.
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No it was meaning the cliche line about the "tolerant left" then hinting how they beat people with flag poles etc etc etc, how tolerant etc.....

These ones are obviously not peaceful (as you said.) They are not far left though thats silly. They just hate Trump and all he represents, which is fine in my opinion. I hope a group of them go full retard and try to assassinate him. Would it be possible? Would make great TV.

Authoritarian left would be a more accurate description, trying to eliminate free speech, and using force on people who don't conform to their ideology.

I'm not sure if your comments are serious or not? If they are, you are not better than them for wishing violence on your political opponents.
they're hardly liberals, the West Coast of the US has a regular 'black bloc' rent a mob group more like the far left idiots we get in the UK/Europe - they don't tend to like liberals much either

And that's the point. Are they actually campaigners or just an anarchist mob looking to have some fun.

The article I read earlier suggested the violent "protestors" gatecrashed a peaceful protest, and may well have not been a part of the university.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is why the SJW plague must be stamped out before it destroys us all.
And that's the point. Are they actually campaigners or just an anarchist mob looking to have some fun.

The article I read earlier suggested the violent "protestors" gatecrashed a peaceful protest, and may well have not been a part of the university.

I think they're genuine - they just have different (further to the left) politics and believe in direct action, I'd suspect rather a lot of protestors there (both the black bloc and others) were not part of the university.
it isn't an insult nor aimed at anyone here?* Plenty of people who oppose Milo (especially those who would protest him) are self proclaimed 'social justice warriors'

not that I support him myself mind, my views are more in line with those of Maajid Nawaz's who seems pretty frustrated with both the 'Alt right' and the 'Ctrl Left'

*edit - have posted a question in forum content discussion aimed at this thread so I guess we'll find out
What about Ctrl Alt Del?
And that's the point. Are they actually campaigners or just an anarchist mob looking to have some fun.

The article I read earlier suggested the violent "protestors" gatecrashed a peaceful protest, and may well have not been a part of the university.

Yet the peaceful protesters don't stop them before their protest is ruined or their campus Union is smashed in?

Yet the town mayor seemingly doesnt want the police to get another fine, so its hands off completely until the damage is well and truly dealt?

At some point the lack of any real barrier to these anarchists is going to escalate into people arming themselves (CA is pretty restrictive, but still), because the bloody police wont even do their job.
what was that in reference to?

It's in reference to your generalisations - there are peaceful protesters, there are violent protesters. On both sides - if Hilary won the presidency, you will get far-right loons doing the same thing. But I'm guessing none of those protesters committing violent acts even have any political affiliation and just want to cause a ruckus, that's what 'anarchists' do.
I'm talking about the event that occurred yesterday (i.e. the topic of the thread). Milo has been on this campus tour since before the election and would presumably still be speaking on campuses regardless of the result.
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I know what is being discussed. I'm simply stating putting those peacefully protesting and those committing violence in the same ballpark is stupid.
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I'm not even sure what your point is - no one is 'putting those peacefully protesting and those committing violence in same ballpark' ?
I'm not even sure what your point is - no one is 'putting those peacefully protesting and those committing violence in same ballpark' ?

You used the favourite OCUK buzzword (and the internet in general) 'SJW' in relation to the violence, do you have a short memory?
I don't understand the motivation of some of these people - they're supposed to be standing up for the 'oppressed' and fighting 'hate speech' yet this individual was happy to assault a woman with mace


and of course beat other random people:


I don't get it, sure Milo is a bit annoying and can be a troll at times but these reactions are just so over the top - he and his supporters/followers really are seen as a threat by the SJW types to the point where they're now reacting violently to try and stop him from even giving a speech.

You don't understand because you're taking the propaganda at face value.

In the USA, the whole idea of liberalism and most of the idea of equality has been infected and corrupted by authoritarian bigots. Their claims to be liberal and egalitarian are lies. Of course the same is happening here, but they haven't been as successful yet.

Where they have more power, such as some USA universities, they feel more free to show their true colours. They're all committed to authoritarianism, which of course includes the suppression of dissent, and to irrational prejudice and discrimination but open violence is only viable when they have enough power. Intimidation and propaganda are more useful tools when they have less power.

Most ideologies of irrational prejudice claim to be about standing up for the oppressed because it's such a politically useful lie.
You used the favourite OCUK buzzword (and the internet in general) 'SJW' in relation to the violence, do you have a short memory?

Oh that is what you're objecting to, why didn't you just say?

So, to clarify, I'm not under the impression - nor am I trying to give the impression that all SJW types are reacting violently. Perhaps I should have inserted the word 'some' into my OP.
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