Good morning all.
The below will only happen if the dupe bug is fixed no point otherwise.
This is what will be happening.
1. We will be keeping the server map we have, there will be no new map.
2. The spawn will be moved to part of the world on the server that we have not been before, so it will be just like having a new world start. ( I will place it at the point marked on the map (see image), if it is in a place that you the players think is not the best spot for the spawn then I will more it within 500 blocks of where I placed it.
3. The old spawn will have a /warp point added to it
4. All of the chests, Work benches, Furnaces ect that are on the server at the moment will be cleared out. I have tested this & it works fine.
5. Each player will be given 2 double chests to fill with what every they wish to keep, before I clear all of the chests ect. These chests will be stored at a safe zone.
When you have filled your chests you need to place 2x cobble blocks on top & place a sign in front of each chest not on the cobble with your players name. This is to stop anyone from opening your chests to do so they need to remove the cobble first this would in turn show up on the /bbhere report.
There will be some items that will be limted ie Diamonds to one stack of 64.
Maybe more to follow. Yes I will be looking in everyones chests to make sure no one is keeping more then they should. You would only be waisting a slot.
6.All of your bags will be cleared aswell so no point in keeping anything on your person.
7.This will be done I hope by Monday 27th December, this will give the players time to sort your chests out.
8.I will need to remove everyone from the whitelist while I clear the chests & clear your bags.
Thats it.
This way I think it should be fair for most players.
1. No one loses any work
2. You get to keep a lot of your old items
3. You get a nice new spawn to build on
4. Can get a economy going on the server
5. Everyone starts on a closer playing field
6. Duping items get removed from the server.
7. At your new spawn you can have a no sky bridges ect rule & the old spawn can have them, something for eveyone.
I will post more later its now 2am
The size of the image black parts as well is about 10,000 x 10,000 blocks.
If the new spawn marked in red is no good there are two other places & thats top left & top right of the image that could be used.