I would like to remove the use of having your work protected with the /protect command. Not many user have ask me to protect there work in any case.
But in it's replacement I have added 4 new commands for you to use & 1 that you already had but may not have had a use for before.
/bbhere - Reports all changes made in a 5 block radius around you.
/bbhere # - Reports all changes made in a # block radius around you.
/bbhere 'x' 'y' 'z' - Reports all changes made in a 5 block radius around the (x, y, z)
/bbhere 'x' 'y' 'z' # - Reports all changes made in a # block radius around the (x, y, z)
/getpos Displays your current position.
This is a very good mod, it gives yourself & the server peace of mind that you can build safely.
What it does is record the movements of every single block on the server in real time & tells you the Players name, if they placed or destoryed a block & the type of block (dirt, stone, torch, sign ect ) it will list the whole history of a single block using the /bbhere 'x' 'y' 'z' command.
To find a blocks x y z placement use the /getpos command.
This way everyone can police the server & it should put anyone off damaging other players work.
Twice a day I also get a report emailed to me showing every players movements, in case I need to look in to someones claim in more detail.
Here is a snip of what the report shows me
14.12.10@17:09:16: Destroy 16 @(244, 98, 4703)
14.12.10@17:09:17: Destroy 1 @(244, 99, 4703)
14.12.10@17:09:18: Destroy 1 @(244, 100, 4703)
14.12.10@17:09:24: Place 65 @(244, 96, 4703)
14.12.10@17:09:25: Place 65 @(244, 98, 4703)
14.12.10@17:09:26: Place 65 @(244, 100, 4703)
14.12.10@17:09:30: Destroy 1 @(244, 101, 4703)
14.12.10@17:09:32: Destroy 1 @(244, 102, 4703)
14.12.10@17:09:34: Destroy 1 @(244, 103, 4703)
14.12.10@17:09:40: Place 65 @(244, 102, 4703)
14.12.10@17:09:45: Destroy 1 @(244, 104, 4703)
14.12.10@17:09:46: Destroy 1 @(244, 105, 4703)
14.12.10@17:09:48: Destroy 1 @(244, 106, 4703)
14.12.10@17:09:51: Destroy 3 @(244, 107, 4703)
14.12.10@17:09:52: Destroy 3 @(244, 108, 4703)
14.12.10@17:09:57: Place 65 @(244, 104, 4703)
14.12.10@17:09:58: Place 65 @(244, 106, 4703)
14.12.10@17:10:00: Place 65 @(244, 108, 4703)
14.12.10@17:10:03: Destroy 3 @(244, 109, 4703)
14.12.10@17:10:07: Destroy 4 @(244, 110, 4703)
14.12.10@17:10:11: Destroy 48 @(244, 111, 4703)
14.12.10@17:10:20: Place 4 @(245, 110, 4703)
14.12.10@17:10:22: Place 4 @(245, 111, 4703)
14.12.10@17:10:26: Destroy 4 @(245, 111, 4703)
14.12.10@17:10:33: Place 48 @(245, 111, 4703)
14.12.10@17:10:35: Place 65 @(244, 111, 4703)
14.12.10@17:10:44: Destroy 85 @(244, 112, 4703)
14.12.10@17:10:51: Place 65 @(244, 110, 4703)
14.12.10@17:11:00: Destroy 85 @(244, 112, 4704)
Just to let you know this mod can also record everything that players say in chat on the same report as above, I have turned this option off as I have no wish to know what you are chatting about when I am not on. I would also call that spying which I have no wish to do.
I have no wish to look at the reports as it takes time but they are needed just in case, this is why I have given user the commands to police the server yourselfs.
The /bbhere & the report shows nothing more then what can been seen on the server anyway it just shows us who did the action aswell.
I am taking a risk doing this as we could start getting players pointing the finger at each other so we will see how it goes. If needed I can remove the commands from single users if I need to.