I cant seem to get the chat commands working though Gar, is that right?
These ones you need ?
"/straight", "/left", "/right", "/north", "/south", "/east", and "/west
/throttle ,/brake, /momentum
or both ?
I cant seem to get the chat commands working though Gar, is that right?
I would love to see the obviously duped structures get destroyed soo, such as the people who have duped tons of lightstone or obsidian.
you know the people (or at least a number of people) who have been duping because they're pretty open about it (and it's pretty obvious), you know what is obviously duped and what is not, why punish the people who've worked hard to create what they've created and mined what they've mined when they've had nothing to do with such and exploit?
Any news on Multiplay Gar?
Garsands, if you can 'remove' all chests on the server and then just replace them to empty them, does that mean you can do the same for lightstone and diamond blocks (and just not replace them)
Forum name: FabienO
Minecraft name: Fabien
attempt #2
anyone know when the whitelist will be updated? im still waiting :
You need to find yourself a leader first.