Minecraft (online Lego essentially)

looks good inside but it's massive. takes up so much space and looks hideous from the outside. It's just a giant block at the end of the day from outside.
Theres a few new updates rolling out.

Server is up again atm but I've got to go out for an hour so in the mean time if a new update is released server won't be updated til I'm back.
OK I've updated to the latest build (again) and restarted server... hopefully they are done with updates for the night :D
OK this is wierd, now when I click on the link it loads some random level instead of the OcUK one... any ideas (I'm still logged in btw)
OK this is wierd, now when I click on the link it loads some random level instead of the OcUK one... any ideas (I'm still logged in btw)

i think the server address has changed from the last one...

rroff can u confirm?

Should still be on:


There was a couple of issues with the update that needed a last minute fix so the first time I restarted the server the client on the website was incompatible with the server. It should all be working now... hopefully they don't roll out any more updates tonight.
Hey does everyone realise that if you take the spiral staircase up in to the arena you can no longer go anywhere except to the back of the seating - figure we should start building some holes through
I think the stadium fills up to much space its amazing just too big and since the new map was to get more people in on it a massive stadium in the middle aint a good way of helping :D
nooooooo no hint of getting rid of the stadium please - not whilst I'm still putting in access doorways etc! If you take the spiral staircase at the front you can now get directly to the top seats :)
Really Really happy with mine and Delks shipyard i think it looks great, hopefully we can get the lockgates finished tomorrow, need to finish my frigate off and build a dock next to my sub.

Everyone have a look at the huge red glass building, thats this mornings efforts from Delk / myself and someone else, can't remember who :o
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