Minecraft (online Lego essentially)

It's a massive time sink, be warned!

I host a server at work for me and a couple of friends, I played some a Saturday, went back last to see what had happened, one guy had built a massive tower. Looks awesome.

I must have been on ages because I'd dug miles and miles of tunnels, took me ages to navigate them all, there's three massive 'natural' caverns it runs into along the way that are full of zombies and skeletons - same you can't kill them or get hurt =/ Found about 30 diamonds as well - no wonder my weekend seemed quick!

I've joined up the two main entrances with a sky-bridge, which pretty much goes from one side of our island to the other.
Is the Halloween update pernament like the others?

Bit gutted about torches not lasting forever, knew Notch would implement that sooner or later :(

Yeah disappointed by this as well. it will be mitigated slightly by the lantern introduction, but they will be hard to make in large quantities if they require iron to produce.
Yeah disappointed by this as well. it will be mitigated slightly by the lantern introduction, but they will be hard to make in large quantities if they require iron to produce.

Other solution is to carry tree trunks and flint around and chuck em down and make fireplaces
Is the Halloween update pernament like the others?

Bit gutted about torches not lasting forever, knew Notch would implement that sooner or later :(

Notch also confirmed that all pre-existing torches on your map will be converted into lanterns. So at least you won't have to run around replacing them all.

Might be an idea to make a huge room and just line it with hundreds of torches, so you'll get plenty of lanterns after the update.
Notch also confirmed that all pre-existing torches on your map will be converted into lanterns. So at least you won't have to run around replacing them all.

Might be an idea to make a huge room and just line it with hundreds of torches, so you'll get plenty of lanterns after the update.

Yeah totally making a torch farm
Has the torch patch been implemented yet? That makes the game so much harder o_o

brb making 1000 torches and putting them into a chest
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I take it biomes are still a long way off then? I've been holding back on making anything too time intensive as it would all have to be rebuilt after the biomes patch.
Will definitely get this when Coursework dies down a bit, hopefully before Christmas, and if/when I get it I would be willing to have a bit of multiplayer with some of you guys.
Thought i'd try this...but i cant play it online :(

Comes up with some weird error in a window, latest java...so not sure?

All I get is:

'org.lwjgl.LWJGLException: Pixel format not accelerated'
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Is there a server a lot of you play on? I've had it for a few weeks and mostly been digging stupidly deep mine shafts offline, but sharing with others would be interesting.

This just blew my mind :eek:

The guy is literally designing a working computer from scratch (Straight from logic upwards!) in a game within a computer :p

The stuff you see in the video is just the ALU - Can't imagine how big it will be when the computer is fully completed :p

i think he got the wrong end of the stick regarding hardware virtualization.
I tried the in-browser version and started to build a house - made the foundations and the walls and even threw in a few windows - but then got stuck with how to make the roof :(

Is the full version any better? - what other features does it have? - Do you just build stuff?
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