pretty cool stuff, what texture pack is that?
It could be John Smiths Textures V3 with the animated fire/better grass and moving water/lava aswell...not sure :/
pretty cool stuff, what texture pack is that?
By biomes does it just mean "random patches of snow" ?
Looks great, hopefully they will be somewhat larger than in this video.Notch just uploaded a clip of biomes.
I tell you what also would be awesome in this game, is if that multiple servers could 'work together' as such, so that although we might not know it... there could be another 'civilisation' ie bunch of players on the other side of our world!
Imagine that, everyone is building stuff up, resources get scarcer as things start getting used.... then all of a sudden on the horizon is some random name tag.... eventually the 2 'tribes' meet up, setup trade routes, share development etc.... maybe there is a 3rd 'tribe' somewhere.... maybe they are more warlike and will come in and pillage us on their wooden boats, with arrows and fire....
Damn, im dreaming, but the potential for this game is unlimited I reckon.
At least I hope we will have monsters to deal with from halloween, that will spice things up a little and then allow us to garner more resources if we can trap them..... bigger developments, bigger and quicker mining...... if the train tracks work, then dayum... business just picked up a little.
This is not a rage thread, and I do need answers.
I hosted my own server, got a few friends to play on it. I was using MCAdmin. Some guy comes on called Doridian with a [DEV] in front of his name, couldn't speak English very well and thought, oh what a funny guy. Blatently trying to troll my server. So I banned him.
Next five minutes I get banned from my own god damned server. I realise there is a global ban option so I disable it. Still can't connect, start reading through the server log. See that there is an entry there called "Heartbeat fail: Unban Doridian!". Okay maybe this guy is real, so I unbanned him and waited for him to come back.
Next thing I know, he's back, and again not making much sense, something about being an MC Dev, I have a little discussion about why he banned me, and he put his reasons across. I didn't like what I was hearing, what gives someone the right to ban me for banning them? Even if it is their own software? It's a little childisih isn't it?
"Oh no, he won't let me play on his server, I'll ban him until I get to play on it again".
For his ill formed reasons I ban him again, I really didn't like his attitude, next thing I know. I now have no ability to run a server using MCAdmin. Do you guys think this is a little childish and out of order to me and my friends who just want to play in a friendly environment with no interuptions?
It boggles my mind to see that some people initially defended them. Thankfully more sane members of the community turned up and shouted it down.JIM_BOB7813 said:Thread about developer inserting backdoors into his program to compromise somebody else's property
reading the reply the dev set it up as a "help" mode.
help mode or no, it's wrong.
just because you think it's for the best doesn't mean it is.
iirc this kind of thing is actually an offence?
if I made some software for a PC and it had a backdoor that let me block people from accessing their PC I'd be sued up the ass even if I DID give it away!
02:57 Doridian its due to the fact of me being hated on like everywhere for no reason
02:57 Doridian i just couldn't be bothered with being hated
02:57 Doridian on my own software
02:57 Doridian in real life i am being hated for not being a follower
02:57 Doridian in the internet i am hated for being a furry
02:58 FullDisclosure if some people have a problem, there's no reason for them to know at all - is there?
02:58 Doridian they do know, though
02:58 Doridian they just see my avatar
02:58 Doridian my skin
02:58 Doridian and are like OMGWTFBBQ FURFAG
02:59 FullDisclosure So have a different avatar and skin then.
02:59 Doridian and i just cannot be bothered with that
02:59 Doridian i am not changing for them
02:59 Doridian i am myself
02:59 Doridian and show it with pride
02:59 FullDisclosure There is definitely a point to being who you are.
02:59 Doridian its like saying a black person to paint his skin white
02:59 Doridian so nazis don't hate him
Further down:
03:11 FullDisclosure If it was a case of "X has requested to use developer mode" and the admin has to approve it
03:11 FullDisclosure Then that would be more appropriate
03:12 FullDisclosure Compare it to the Remote Assistance built into Windows
03:12 FullDisclosure A Microsoft tech can't just connect and start changing things
03:12 FullDisclosure It actually asks me first
03:12 Doridian which i am sure MS can use without permission
03:12 FullDisclosure No they can't
03:12 Doridian they just don't do that
03:12 Doridian not doing it != not being able to
03:12 FullDisclosure No they really can't
03:12 Doridian or just push a little remote console here
03:12 Doridian and a little remote console there
03:12 Doridian and wrap it as a "important security update"
Especially scary:
03:18 Doridian i could abuse the autoupdate feature
03:18 Doridian to make them run ANY code i want
03:18 Doridian sooo
03:18 FullDisclosure Indeed you could
03:18 Doridian i technically have all power
03:19 FullDisclosure Indeed you do
03:19 Doridian so they should not bitch about one little thing
03:19 Doridian allowing me to run commands on their server
Towards the end:
03:44 FullDisclosure And take out the backdoor ok?
03:45 Doridian now that it's in and people have accepted it
03:45 Doridian why should i
03:45 Doridian xD
the reddit link is even more weird.
reddit said:02:59 Doridian its like saying a black person to paint his skin white
02:59 Doridian so nazis don't hate him
Surely just don't use his server addon?