Minecraft (online Lego essentially)

What I've seen so far in SP.

Reddish sky during sunset/sunrise
Fishing rods work, right click with the rod over water to fish, wait for a splash sound and then right click again to reel the fish in
Textures for gold, iron and diamond blocks changed
Biomes work even in areas you've already explored/built on, you'll get different coloured trees and grass in explored areas, and different biomes further out
You can make a watch using 4 gold bars and 1 redstone dust, same pattern as the compass
Cactuses grow taller than 3 blocks, possible bug
Leaves no longer automatically despawn, bug
When you destroy a leaf block it goes grey, bug
When you die, all your items instantly disappear and cannot be retrieved after respawn, bug
You can reflect the fireballs that ghasts throw at you by hitting the fireballs with your sword, or shooting them with an arrow

I guess bugs are to be expected with any new patch, let alone a patch for a game in alpha. Overall I'm quite pleased with this update.
Is there some cheat to refresh the durability of your tools on single player ?

I'm back on SP to check out all these fancy things that are too cool for smp, but I can't cope with durability after getting used to dropping+picking up my diamond pick :(

'elp :(
What about no more auto-rotating stairs!? They now face towards the player when placed and no longer have a mind of their own!

Really?! I placed some last night and thought they were worse than normal, guess I was just trying to compensate for the old crazy stairs, ended up using half blocks instead.

Oh well half blocks are better for what I was doing, but yay good stairs!

Hopefully he will introduce smooth stone steps (as well as half steps) not just cobble stone ones.
atm i keep going back and fourth to singleplayer. I tend to make a base then just decided i dont like the map(world) and start again ... still not found one i like

What texture mod is everyone using?
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Has the light needed to keep mobs from spawning increased drastically? I was standing in what I thought was a well lit safe spot last night when I heard a "sssssss" followed by big bang and I was dead. Didnt even see it, shouldnt of been anyway it could get to me if it spawned elsewhere
found mobspawner last night!
anyone built a trap around one for farming?

Yep :)

Just a simple one...dig around it, create a water flow underneath so when they spawn they get pushed fowards...Then you create the drowning mechanism :)


Oh, and with regards to creepers...they can live in the light...so nothings changed with them?

I also found on my SP map that after the update there are random mobs in my cave now
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