Minecraft PS4 & Xbox One Builds and MP game Thread

Need help!

Played the demo on PS4 with my son, and we loved it, so I went and bought it!

Now, when we play together only one of us can build. Is this right, or am I missing something?
So got the kids Minecraft for their Vita and my PS4 - they love it
I love it cus they just watch stampy-somat youtube vids all day long - lol.

Question - How do I get maps on to the game please? - They seen some sort of stampy disney map which they want - I went and grabbed the .bin file off the link on the youtube vid but couldn't get it on to my PS4. Think I've switched off on-line mode so they don't go messing too much.

thanks in advance for any advice.
Don't know if anyone's spotted, but 1.6.4 (horses etc..) was released for the XB1 today

Going to have to find space to build a stable now :(
This update makes Minecraft much more playable now.

Using horses to travel around, using comparators and hoppers to create organised sorting systems, and beacons to make mining quicker!

Can someone explain what the wither actualy is? Just seen the donkeys and horses which are cool but don't have a saddle at the moment!

The Wither is another boss in Minecraft. You need to kill Wither Skeletons in the Nether (the black ones) and they randomly drop Wither Skulls. Once you have 3 Wither Skulls you can then create the Wither.


Once killed, it drops the Nether Star which you need to create the Beacon.
This update added hoppers too? nice :) looking forward to designing my own automatic farming machines. Just got to hope M$ update the PS version at some point.
The Playstation versions are in testing, just waiting for it to pass their testing process then it will be released.

How do beacons make mining quicker?

The beacons give you extra power, and depending how big you make the platform it's on, it's reach extends up to 50 blocks away.

The five primary powers are:

Speed: Increased movement speed.
Haste: Increased mining speed.
Resistance: Increased armor rating.
Jump Boost: Increased jumping distance and height.
Strength: Increased melee damage.


Get yourself an Efficiency V pick + Haste II = this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsbFXVimZfc
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Does anyone know how to transfer the Mass Effect / Skyrim texture packs from PS3 to PS4 - in the store they are chargeable??
Sorry if this has already been asked but are there any meaningful improvements between the PS3/360 and the PS4/One versions? I've currently got 360 version and wondering if worth buying the PS4 version. Most interested if 4 person multiplayer (shared screen) is smoother as it a bitter stuttery on 360
Is there ever going to be further updates to this? The save syncing is massively broken still.

I'm surprised such a big brand product is so glitchy. A bit of polish would do the game wonders.
Got Minecraft with my PS4 but never play it but was bored the other week so built a house :)

Was even more bored the other day so built a couple of things

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Big update released for this today:

Armor Stand, Raw Rabbit, Cooked Rabbit, Rabbit Stew, Raw Mutton, Cooked Mutton, Rabbit’s Foot, Rabbit Hide, Potion of Leaping, Potion of Water Breathing, Salmon, Cooked Salmon, Clownfish, Pufferfish, Blue Orchid, Allium, Azure Bluet, Tulips, Oxeye Daisy, Sunflower, Lilac, Poppy (replaces Rose), Rose Bush, Peony, Double Tall Grass, Large Ferns, Prismarine Crystals, Prismarine Shard.
Creative Mode only: Rabbit Spawn Egg, Endermite Spawn Egg, and Guardian Spawn Egg.

Podzol, Granite, Polished Granite, Andesite, Polished Andesite, Diorite, Polished Diorite, Prismarine, Dark Prismarine, Prismarine Bricks, Red Sand, Red Sandstone, Smooth Red Sandstone, Chiseled Red Sandstone, Red Sandstone Stairs, Sea Lanterns, Wet Sponge, Slime Blocks, Coarse Dirt, Packed Ice, Acacia Saplings, Dark Oak Saplings.

Endermite, Guardian, Elder Guardian, Rabbit, Chicken Jockey.

Mesa, Mega Taiga, Roofed Forest, Birch Forest, Forest, Savanna, Extreme Hills+, Deep Ocean, Snowless Taiga, 20 new Technical Biomes.

Ocean Monument

Luck of the Sea, Lure, Depth Strider


Now has particle effects - bubbles will show up moving towards the bobber just before the player has something on the hook. This has the appearance of a fish swimming towards the hook.
New items can be caught from fishing
Treasure: enchanted fishing rod, enchanted bow, enchanted book, name tag, tripwire hook, lily pad and saddle.
Junk: damaged fishing rod, water bottle, rotten flesh, string, leather, bowl, stick, bone, tripwire hook, ink sac and damaged leather boots.

Now consumes lapis lazuli and has been rebalanced.
Enchanted books can receive multiple enchants at once.

Nether portal
New nether portal building rules: Any rectangular shape from 4x5 to 23x23
If the portal in the nether is big enough, ghasts can travel through.
Will now be activated by any fire block within the frame.

Dispensers can place pumpkins or wither skeleton skulls to spawn iron golems, snow golems and withers, provided the body is built in a valid configuration.
Anvil repairing has been rebalanced.
Moss stone, mossy stone bricks and chiseled stone bricks are now obtainable via crafting.
Cracked stone bricks and sponges are now obtainable via smelting.
When a furnace runs out of fuel, the smelting progress will rewind at 2× speed.
Empty furnaces will only accept fuel and empty buckets in the fuel slot.
Item frames now emit a redstone signal, and can rotate in 8 directions.
Redstone comparators can now detect the rotation of an item in an item frame and output an equivalent power signal.
Buttons can now be placed on the top and bottom of blocks.
Powered activator rails now dismount entities riding minecarts.
Cauldrons with water in them will put out burning entities, taking away one water level each time.
When harvested with Silk Touch enchantment, huge mushrooms now drop blocks with corresponding mushroom texture (red or brown) on all sides, rather than the one with spores.
Sponges are now obtainable in survival mode, and now soak up contiguous water source blocks out to a taxicab distance of 5 when placed, thereupon turning into a new wet sponge.
Sugar cane color is affected by the biome color (similar to leaves, grass and vines).

Added flint and steel and fire charge sound effect when igniting blocks.
Arrows decelerate much more quickly underwater, and extinguish if on fire.
Updated audio for minecarts.

Most mobs can now swim.
Skeletons flee from wolves.
Creepers, skeletons, wither skeletons and zombies drop their heads when killed by charged creepers.
Spiders no longer see players through solid blocks.
Babies' growth can be accelerated by feeding them.
Baby zombies now drop experience.
Creepers can now be ignited with flint and steel.
Adult zombie pigmen will forgive after a short time (and lose the aggro speed boost), but will continue to attack until the player escapes their aggro distance.
Witches can now drink and drop potions of water breathing.
Sheep now drop mutton when they die.
Updated sounds for cows and mooshrooms.
Villagers have additional professions and trades, will now harvest crops if they are farmers, will only breed when willing and will turn into witches when struck by lightning.

Melons can now be found in jungle biomes similar to pumpkins.
Swamp biomes now spawn with blue orchid flowers, and the coast is covered in staggered dirt block with lily pads between them.
Plains biomes now generate with azure bluets, oxeye daises, tulips and double tall grass.
Extreme hills biomes now have snow at higher elevations, gravel, flat valleys near sea level and are slightly higher.
Ocean biomes contains only gravel on the floor instead of sand, dirt and gravel.
Desert temples now spawn with stained clay instead of dyed wool.
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