Minecraft PS4 & Xbox One Builds and MP game Thread

I know it isn't too useful at the moment but I figure it doesn't take too many resources to build a trap and being a small amount of use is better than the spawner sitting there covered in torches doing nothing. Also if there is ever an update to include hoppers then the trap only needs a small change.

Finally found some sugar cane too and remade my lost map so I can finally go exploring and not get lost :D Though in my exploring for sugar cane I found 3 more deep caves near my house but I didn't have enough torches to go exploring. Built a fence around the entrances that I could find for now to stop any mobs climbing out and surprising me while I am exploring.
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I have been playing since the weekend on Ps4 and have not once had the option to join anyone and cant see any way of searching. Take no one on my friends list bought it ??

If you fancy playing add me please grant666uk

When you it comes up with the option at the start if a world is online it appears in the left box. For a world to appear there though a friend must be online at the same time as you are and have set the options of their world to appear online. So either you play different times or you just have no friends.

I had to start a new world so I haven't got very far, only last night did I start growing wheat and capture some chickens and cows. I am planning on building up some supplies then I will go exploring but will drop you an friends request and feel free to join if you see me online.
When you it comes up with the option at the start if a world is online it appears in the left box. For a world to appear there though a friend must be online at the same time as you are and have set the options of their world to appear online. So either you play different times or you just have no friends.


Think I have about six people out off 60 odd friends on my list with it but I take it they are all playing Destiny etc as I have never seen a single person playing.
You will more than likely find me on Destiny too, Minecraft is for when I want something different or slower paced :) I still rank up a fair few hours a week in Minecraft though.
I'm on most nights but normally 22:00 to midnight.

Should be on earlier tomorrow, about 8 as my missus is off out.
A tip for farms guys 1 water source in the middle then make a cross 3 blocks out on every side and then square it with the hoe all the blocks in the 7x7 area will be fertile bar the middle water source. Makes the farms more compact :)
So I managed to get to the end and kill the dragon last night.

Thank God that's done, just the haggler trophy left for platinum now.
Right. Thinking of buying this for Xbox One and have a few questions. Never played minecraft before.

- Will i need to invest lost of time learning how this game works?
- Do i need to make my own fun for this to be good? Or does the game throw things at you.
- Is there a specific goal or is it just survive and build cool stuff?
Right. Thinking of buying this for Xbox One and have a few questions. Never played minecraft before.

- Will i need to invest lost of time learning how this game works?
- Do i need to make my own fun for this to be good? Or does the game throw things at you.
- Is there a specific goal or is it just survive and build cool stuff?

1) Play the tutorial, plus the game has in-game hints/tips

2) I would say that the game does not throw things at you to keep it "good". It depends how much you explore/mine. You might find a mob spawner or stronghold while mining. The stronghold will enable you to get to the nether and a spawner can be use to farm XP. Explore to get diamond which will help you get better armor and tools.

3) The goal is survive and get to the "end" and kill the dragon. You don't have to do this though. You can just mine and craft or even just stay in creative mode and build whatever you wish with unlimited resources.

I used this tutorial on youtube when I started out, it was VERY helpful.

Minecraft: How to Survive and Thrive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B36Ehzf2cxE&list=PL7326EF82122776A9

There is over 80 episodes and teaches you things like how to survive the first night and home defence to how best to navigate cave systems and basic wheat farming.
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Yes, first platinum trophy for me.


Well done mate :) need to get back to playing this now! Stopped to give destiny a shot and forced my way through the dull story and cant be bothered to play more at the mo lol was rather disappointing! Am level 20 now and apparently it gets good after that but ill put it aside for now
Ive been at this for a couple of weeks now and still living in a mud house, I have a ridiculous amount of materials for building something grander but currently every time I log on I end up exploring the ever increasing cave system from my basement, still yet to find any diamonds.
Ive been at this for a couple of weeks now and still living in a mud house, I have a ridiculous amount of materials for building something grander but currently every time I log on I end up exploring the ever increasing cave system from my basement, still yet to find any diamonds.

Ha same.

By the way, is there any way to force my respawn closer or inside my house? Each time I die I end up miles away from it, which at night, is a nightmare!
Found a massive underground cave with a couple of monster spawners and tons of goodies. Found about 50 diamonds and 15+ emeralds now :D
If you are off exploring you can carry a bed with you for when it starts getting dark. Dig a hole and block yourself in with a couple of torches then sleep. You don't have to worry about monsters in the dark and you can pick up your bed afterwards.

The problem with doing this is if you die, you will spawn where you spawned when you first started the game. So it is ideal if you can find your house from there or at least have a beacon so you can find your house when looking for it.

Edit: A thought occured to me about this, which I will do, if know where you firt spawned then could, once you have the resources, make a map and leave it at the world spawn point. That way if you die and spawn there you could easily find your home.
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Sorry if this has been asked already.

I've got the demo of this on my PS4 already. When I go to the psn store it doesn't show a price - when I add it to basket it shows £12.99 and it shows as a PSN game. Is that the full game?

Does this also mean if I pay this price that I can later download and play it on my vita too? or will that be extra?

thanks in advance.
umm, this is well confusing.

So I just read on the playstation blog that only the PS3 version owners get the vita version for free. Advice was to buy the PS3 version, then do the digital upgrade so one can use it on all three platforms.

I just bought the full ps3 version but when I returned to the sony store it now says I've also purchased the ps4 version??

eh woot.
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