Minecraft PS4 & Xbox One Builds and MP game Thread

For anyone who's interested in a physcial copy, Sony have just announced the disc release will be in stores on the 3rd of October
No problem, it was good to try it online and I enjoyed the guided tour even if I did repeatedly get lost :D

Edit: Would also be good to make your world a central OCUK world, railway means we could have all our own areas but still plenty of resources from your 'more cave than land' world :p

I went back to my world after, turns out my cave system isn't so cavernous but equally as confusing. After about 100 torches I still haven't got to the bottom and so many different ways to go I kept getting lost. I think I will take a leaf out of your book Windle and put up some signs. I had also wondered why there was so many mobs around my house, turns out there was a mob spawner about 30 blocks away, though the amount that spawn in the tunnels/cave I think there is one in there too I just haven't found it yet.

Annoyingly I fell to my death in my cave and lost all my stuff, including my map AGAIN! :( Not the end of the world though as I have a compass already so just need some sugar cane.
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Will you be online tonight Windle?

I'll pop on over to do the achievement if you are. :D

Probably won't be on tonight/tomorrow, if I am it'll just be a short hop. Should be on a good bit of Sunday.

Greboth, yeah that's the plan. I'll start building a hub station at the end of the railway where we finished last night. Anyone can then build an offshoot and link it back into the main hub. And yes does seem like my map is more cave than land below. Beware of subsidence :p
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Not sure if you will see this windle, but did you send me a message on PSN? I looked but it showed nothing oddly.....

Not sure if PSN is slow today or not.
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Ahhhh, I even checked my phones me but I just had a spinning circle on everything.

If you're about tonight I'll swing by for some exploration.
Grrr.... fell asleep last night with the game on (set as friends of friends can join)

Someone's come along and dyed all the sheep in my farm pink!!!!
Ha got off lightly to be honest, they could have booby trapped your house with TNT :p

I did check..fortunately all my gunpowder was hidden away.

Was going to dye all the sheep back to white, but somebody seems to have hidden all my bones & bonemeal

It turns out they also started a chicken farm in my houses bedroom with all my eggs
I found a zombie spawner and want to put it to some good use so planning on building a trap. I like the idea of using water to get the zombies where I want, I know a trap where I kill them gives me XP but for now thinking one high enough for the fall to kill them.

Two questions about them though, for the water do you just pour a single bucket of water in the corner and it just keeps flowing forever? or is there someothing I have to do to get infinite flowing water? Second question, do anyone know how close to the spawner I need to stand to get zombies to spawn? Some guides I have seen have said as long as me and the spawner are somewhere in the same 16 x 16 x 16 cube, others as high as 64 x 64 x 64.
I found a zombie spawner and want to put it to some good use so planning on building a trap. I like the idea of using water to get the zombies where I want, I know a trap where I kill them gives me XP but for now thinking one high enough for the fall to kill them.

Two questions about them though, for the water do you just pour a single bucket of water in the corner and it just keeps flowing forever? or is there someothing I have to do to get infinite flowing water? Second question, do anyone know how close to the spawner I need to stand to get zombies to spawn? Some guides I have seen have said as long as me and the spawner are somewhere in the same 16 x 16 x 16 cube, others as high as 64 x 64 x 64.

Water will flow forever when you place it. It will only stop if you re-bucket it, or place a block on the source.

16 block radius is correct from a spawner. But to be honest, on the console versions, it makes no odds how close/far you are from the spawner as the only real purpose they have right now is to kill for XP and grab the loot so you have to be there to collect that anyway. If some zombies die when you are not there, the item will disappear after a while so you won't be able to collect it.

Once the console versions are updated to include hoppers, you can place these at the death point to collect the items and automatically put them in a chest. Which is much more useful.
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