Minecraft PS4 & Xbox One Builds and MP game Thread

That's the best most safest way. You just use some ingredients to make a painting, you can't actually paint.

You must have a lot of clay to be going for five furnaces!
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That's the best most safest way. You just use some ingredients to make a painting, you can't actually paint.

You must have a lot of clay to be going for five furnaces!

Sorry lol i read your last comment as suggesting i should paint the rooms :D silly me!

Just using tree wood and cobble stone atm then making that into stone bricks
I see this turning in to a game of who has the better house, we will have to work out the online if you can join each others worlds to have a look at the houses haha.

Is that cobblestone you used anticonscience? I was trying to build with some mined rock (can't remember which one) but it wouldn't stick together so I couldn't build a roof out of it so stuck with little 4 x 4 block day 1 house for now.
Yeah cobblestone, but I didn't know I could bake it to stone so it would have looked better.

Might replace some bits.

You probably used gravel which is effected by gravity (this means you remove the block below it and it will fall down) like sand.
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Just bought this and it's almost overwhelming, heh. I kind of don't see the point of the game as yet, but I think it may prove to be a slow burner that grows on me the more I dip in and out of it. Going to get watching some Youtube guides methinks. :)
Hey guys need a bit of advice about what to do next

I have made a temporary shelter in the ground with furnace and crafting table, I have been digging down over night to see what I can find placing torches as I go.

During the day I'm trying to find food which can be difficult at times, is there anything I can do to to have steady supply of food?

Also I struggle to find my shelter when I go off exploring, can I place some sort of waypoint or is it a case of just remembering map coordinates?

Any more advise is welcome, thanks:)

Oh yeah and survival mode is so much more rewarding than creative mode which i tried first.
What type of food do you want?

I stole some carrots/wheat and potatoes from villages and planted my own. Failing that kill animals and cook the meat, or build a fishing rod and catch fish.

LT to cast the line and watch it, when it bobs below press LT again to get fish.

Try making a beacon (high tower with a torch on it) or yes you can remember the coordinates.
As Anticonscience said you can plant your own food, though I think the easiest way it to capture some animals and breed them for a constant food supply. You will need to do some farming first to get some wheat, once you have that though you can capture sheep and cows. Once captured you can breed them :)

This guy explains it well, he is using PC but works the same
Cheers guys, can't say I've come across villages yet, I tend to not go to far in fear of running out of daylight.

Also I have been eating the meat without cooking it, is there an advantage to cooking the meat?:o

How do you guys explore far away from base, is it a case of just going prepared to fight when night falls?
Easiest way to get quick food is a wheat farm probably. Grows quickly and can be made straight into bread. I'm also growing sugar can, pumpkins and keeping chickens so I can make pumpkin pie :)

It's an absolute pain finding diamond :(
Easiest way to get quick food is a wheat farm probably. Grows quickly and can be made straight into bread. I'm also growing sugar can, pumpkins and keeping chickens so I can make pumpkin pie :)

It's an absolute pain finding diamond :(

Always found them a few levels either side of 13/4 :).
Yeah I've gone down to that level and just roamed for flipping miles in all directions. Found about 5. Actually found more emeralds than diamonds which I thought were supposed to be rarer!
Some tips for newcomers to Minecraft:

1. Make a map - this will help as you can note down your co-ords so that you can go exploring without fear of losing your hard work.

2. Take a bed when exploring - if you place it (even outside) then sleep as soon as night time hits (watch for the sun hitting the horizon, and just keep clicking your bed until it lets you sleep), bad guys don't get a chance to spawn meaning you can safely skip night time and carry on exploring. If you can't do this, just dig into a hill and cover yourself in then sleep.

3. Walls - placing Cobblestone into a Furnace and cooking it produces Stone. Combine Stone to create Stone Bricks at a Crafting Table, which look even nicer! Play around combining all 3 types of Stone and throw in some Wood and you can have very nice looking house designs.

4. Diamonds - these generally spawn from bedrock to Y 16. Given that lava pools are normally generated with their top layer at Y 10 most people find digging down to Y 11 then strip mining on that level and above is safest and the most effective place to find diamonds. (If you mine below Y 10 you may mine under a lava pool causing lava to come pouring down over your head, be prepared!)

5. Strip Mining - this is considered the most effective mining technique so that you don't waste time/resources mining unneccesary blocks. Let's say there is a 7 block wide wall, you would only mine blocks 1, 4 and 7. This is because if you mine through block 1, you can see what is on block 2 to your right, and by mining block 4 you can see block 3 to your left and 5 to your right etc etc Repeat this pattern infinitely and upwards if you want!

Image in Spoiler showing example of a strip mine


Given that there is actually an 'end' to Minecraft (once it ends, you are back in your world and can continue playing however you like), you can pretty much make the game what you want. Play it like an adventure building up to defeating the final boss or create a world to have fun in with redstone creations (doors that open at the touch of a button, rollercoasters, piston farms to automatically farm for you, the list is endless)

I loved Minecraft on the 360 and will be buying it on PS4 once I get it on Tuesday :D
So I don't get this..... You can build a world and live in it but can other players then join your world and wreck everything?

I might just play creative mode and design my happy place lol
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