Minecraft PS4 & Xbox One Builds and MP game Thread

So I don't get this..... You can build a world and live in it but can other players then join your world and wreck everything?

I might just play creative mode and design my happy place lol

You can turn off online or set your game to invite only etc :)

Just finished a stone brick castle which took me a fair while but really like how its coming along
I just bought this for Xbox One. I love minecraft on the PC so I bought it for Xbox One too. I've must have played a few thousand hours on PC.

Hopefully within a few hours I will have something cool built.
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The villages like taking the mick with their trade demands don't they ! :mad:

Two emeralds for one bread :eek:
Why would anyone play this crap? :p

Lewis lives on it and has watched every single video on youtube. If i could find the guys who make these videos with their girly high pitched screaming voices... I would string them up. :p
Built my nether portal/anvil and enchanting table last night.

Now to farm leather and more sugar canes so I can build a library to boost my enchantments and then use up these 30 levels of XP on some upgrades for my weapons.

Found another cave system to explore last night that was massive, also got 18 diamonds now.

Crafted a load of stone bricks as well so I need to start replacing some cobblestone on the outside of my house. Next up will be making a trip back to my old hillside abode to take what I left there (books from the village nearby, and other resources).

Then I'll be off to explore more of the world around me as I've spent a long time in this part of the world might pop to the nether first to try and get a blaze rod for a potion stand).

So many plans, so little time. :o
After playing a large number of hours over the weekend I am quite enjoying this, maybe in the caves it changes but for now it is enjoyable playing a more releaxed game than shooting people in the face constantly.

I though I had done a lot by having a reasonable sized house and almost a full farm but still so much for me to do!
After playing a large number of hours over the weekend I am quite enjoying this, maybe in the caves it changes but for now it is enjoyable playing a more releaxed game than shooting people in the face constantly.

It becomes very tense in the caves, especially once you spot some valuable resources you want and working out how you are going to get it, then also taking into account any mobs you meet.

I was scared of falling in lava last night whilst working my down to a level where diamonds where.

You're right, it's a nice change of pace from shooting people in the face all the time.
Fell off the edge of a huge mountain , died, lost all my stuff, spawned back at my shelter now I can't for the life of me remember which direction I went off exploring to re find my stuff:o

I take it items will be located around my death site, do they only stay for so long before disappearing.
Fell off the edge of a huge mountain , died, lost all my stuff, spawned back at my shelter now I can't for the life of me remember which direction I went off exploring to re find my stuff:o

I take it items will be located around my death site, do they only stay for so long before disappearing.

You can make a map which may track where you died? (Unsure myself)

Each time i check back here the game sounds even deeper :D not really explored yet!

Made my house/castle and done the inside now, happy with it! Dug down in one of the towers and it came to a cave which leads out the side of a hill so kind of like a secret enterance! Awesome! There is also a massive crack through the land at this point which looks cool!

I did mine a little more and some how dug through to my first tunnel and was amazed at how that could happen, i was like 'i recognise this place' :D

There is a massive mountain far away which i want to go to but will need to stock up on beds and supplies and make some shelters along the way
Fell off the edge of a huge mountain , died, lost all my stuff, spawned back at my shelter now I can't for the life of me remember which direction I went off exploring to re find my stuff:o

I take it items will be located around my death site, do they only stay for so long before disappearing.

Yes, your items will be scattered across the area you died in. I don't think they disappear.



Oh, and if you are reading this ps3ud0 I didn't have TWITCH setup on my PS4, so I couldn't stream.

If you want to donate so I can buy a camera hit that donate button. <3.

Will post some photos tomorrow, I've been focusing on making a link with multiple viaducts for a main rail line to a new area with ravine/mine workings/jungle biome.
Yes, your items will be scattered across the area you died in. I don't think they disappear.



Oh, and if you are reading this ps3ud0 I didn't have TWITCH setup on my PS4, so I couldn't stream.

If you want to donate so I can buy a camera hit that donate button. <3.


I shall do some screens again soon :)

How many people can join a mp server then?
Spent far too much time at the weekend crafting myself a reasonable shelter, a boat dock & an automated wheat/sugar farm (using water & pistons)

Much to the annoyance of the missus as she caught me building a mock bathroom as she's been nagging me to finish the bathroom off in our real house... Oops!

Going to have to start really exploring/mining soonish as resources are getting a bit thin
Question for people: Do you keep all your resources you dig up? With all the digging to get some land for my house and mining I have about 600+ blocks of cobblestone and about 400 dirt. At the moment I just keep building storage chests to put it all in but I have just started filling my third chest :D

It becomes very tense in the caves, especially once you spot some valuable resources you want and working out how you are going to get it, then also taking into account any mobs you meet.

I was scared of falling in lava last night whilst working my down to a level where diamonds where.

You're right, it's a nice change of pace from shooting people in the face all the time.

I haven't even come across a village yet nevermind finding any mobs! Though I think I will have to tool up and go investigate some caves, I have 3 or 4 place near my house that look interesting.


I took some of my house and surrounds on Saturday with the plan of posting them but I looked at the clock it was 11pm and I thought I would play for another hour or so but something strange happened and it was suddenly 3am :( :D I will post them when I get home even though I am thinking of demolishing my house and starting again because I thought of a better design.






crack in the land :)

secret cave enterance :)

Directly below back right tower, looks into the big crack thingy

and the way out! all already here except the torches ofc

Need to work on the roof area more, looks a bit rough and maybe replace some stone bricks to make it look a bit more attractive, and make some rooms inside :D

probably very basic to what you pros can produce but its early days, loving it tbh! hate the enemies that explode though, one of them took out all the fences on my farm and i wasnt even near!
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