Minecraft PS4 & Xbox One Builds and MP game Thread

A few more from me :)

Digging behind my house found a pool of water, saves me jumping down to the other lake

I got fed up of zombies coming over the hill into my garden so dug a huge trench, hopefully that will stop them

Showing off my little farm and cows

My sugar cane plantation

My chickens :) and a random pig that just wondered in but I don't have any carrots to get another one :(

And finally, I fenced off a mine to stop zombies walking in, turns out it traps them rather well :D
I feel your pain, level 20 and fell into some lava. I was not expecting lava so high, I think it was y64. Oh well, time to rebuild.
Don't you fall off if a skeleton fires an arrow at you ? I might be wrong but seem to think this has happened to me before.

You do normally, I am not sure if crouching and getting hit stops you falling off.

Feel free to try it out, I'm not going to. :p
You can crouch?? Mind blown! How? Silly me!

Yea mine was being shot just popped me over the edge

Remade some tools and built up some supplies will try exploring again tnite! I did find an enchantment book right near my build, next to a block that it said was usually found in dungeons but this was just a small hole in the floor :D
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I didn't know you could crouch either, really should look at the controls for this haha.

I stupidly mined the block I was stood on expecting to drop one block and fell in to lava :( Luckily I left all my supplies in the chests at home so all I had on me was a few spades, pickaxes and about 40 torches.

All exploring so far as been through mining so thinking I should craft a bed and do some overland exploring. It will have to wait until another night though for tonight is all about Destiny.
You can crouch?? Mind blown! How? Silly me!

Click the right analogue stick. You'll move a lot slower and be able to peer over those high ledges without fear of falling off (but you may still get shot over the edge by those bow skeletons) but feel free to try and report back.
Click the right analogue stick. You'll move a lot slower and be able to peer over those high ledges without fear of falling off (but you may still get shot over the edge by those bow skeletons) but feel free to try and report back.

Fantastic thanks mate! Ohh noo we are losing minecrafters to destiny!

;) make sure you come back! We need to get online soon
I'm wary of going online a the moment, there are reports of bugs wiping everything out of your chests when you go back to your worlds.
Kinger: You might have said earlier but are you on PS4 or XB1? If PS4 feel free to add me. I didn't know about the bug which is off putting slightly but do want to try online, would be good to go into other peoples worlds and see their houses.

I will be off for a while because of Destiny but I will be back, as I said it is a nice change of pace to FPS's so nice to relax to.
I am not sure if the bug wipes everything across all maps you have or just the map you created that then has people join, so we could create a brand new world and join that and hopefully it wouldn't break anything else.


That's what I've been looking at.
My games been online from day 1, no issues here. Feel free to add me if you want to hop on (PS4), my PSN is Windle. If you're on my friends list my game (Ocukonia) will be visible if I'm playing.
Found a village and stole all their crops, then took them back to my house to start my own farmland :p

Also traded with one. Got an emerald for giving him a bit of coal, what a mug :D

Managed to travel about 1400x/300z in one day time period to get back without stopping lol.
Found a village and stole all their crops, then took them back to my house to start my own farmland :p

Also traded with one. Got an emerald for giving him a bit of coal, what a mug :D

Managed to travel about 1400x/300z in one day time period to get back without stopping lol.

Ive not found a village yet :( that sounds funny though GG

I went mining really far away and by pure luck knocked down a wall and was back in the first tunnel i built day 1! It was blooming miles away :P really like that, nice feeling
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