Minecraft PS4 & Xbox One Builds and MP game Thread

a few updates from before i went off exploring

Added smooth sandstone and made towers 3 blocks wide





Sorted out a basement below, doors lead out to the cave from before

Friend :3


Exploring around here now
My game will be online tonight from about 10pm if anyone wants to multi on PS4. I have a ridiculously huge cave network I'm in the middle of exploring, it's ****** massive. There's a ravine, which then has a further subterranean ravine linking into it.

Ping me a FR if I'm not on your friends list (PSN: Windle)
Turned a corner and got shot into lava by a skeleton.

Lost my map of the area and a few piles of cole and other resources, luckily I stashed my enchanted diamond pick axe and diamond sword, took me a while to make another map and find my way back.

Luckily nothing of any value lost apart from 39 levels of XP.

Was pretty upset though until I realised I hadn't lost anything too high.
Turned a corner and got shot into lava by a skeleton.

Lost my map of the area and a few piles of cole and other resources, luckily I stashed my enchanted diamond pick axe and diamond sword, took me a while to make another map and find my way back.

Luckily nothing of any value lost apart from 39 levels of XP.

Was pretty upset though until I realised I hadn't lost anything too high.

Its soo annoying! Same happened to me :(
Started my new game the other day when my PS4 arrived.

First task was to find a jungle as I want to live in the trees! :D

Found a decent jungle with one really huge tree which I'm going to make my main tree house base in. Upon climbing the tree I spotted a village in the distance, which is handy. Stole all their books to assist with making my enchantment table area later on. Also picked up some carrots and potatoes for my own farm later.

After setting up a small base (literally just my bed, a chest, a crafting table and a furnace dug into a hill) I went for a wander in the jungle and found an open cave nearby, this led down to an absolutely huge abandoned mineshaft! I've been exploring it for ages and still haven't found the ends. Everytime I turn a corner, it seems to split into further areas, there is also a ravine splitting it in two, so will make a couple of little bridges over to the other side. There are 4 spider spawners I've found so far and 1 zombie spawner, those will come in handy for building up XP. I've found 6 stacks of coal so far and 2 stacks of iron.

Will provide screenshots soon.
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Lost my level 40 Steve earlier :( was distracted with a skelly way down in a complex cave network when I heard the insidious hisss behind me and boom. Managed to get back to my stuff at least but man, gutting as always!
Started my new game the other day when my PS4 arrived.

First task was to find a jungle as I want to live in the trees! :D

Found a decent jungle with one really huge tree which I'm going to make my main tree house base in. Upon climbing the tree I spotted a village in the distance, which is handy. Stole all their books to assist with making my enchantment table area later on. Also picked up some carrots and potatoes for my own farm later.

After setting up a small base (literally just my bed, a chest, a crafting table and a furnace dug into a hill) I went for a wander in the jungle and found an open cave nearby, this led down to an absolutely huge abandoned mineshaft! I've been exploring it for ages and still haven't found the ends. Everytime I turn a corner, it seems to split into further areas, there is also a ravine splitting it in two, so will make a couple of little bridges over to the other side. There are 4 spider spawners I've found so far and 1 zombie spawner, those will come in handy for building up XP. I've found 6 stacks of coal so far and 2 stacks of iron.

Will provide screenshots soon.

Tree where my tree house will be:

Village just outside of jungle: (you can just see it between the trees!)

My mining base:

The start of the abandoned mineshafts: (the stairs to the right lead up to where my base above was)

First spider spawner I found:

Second spider spawner I found:

The zombie spawner:

Currently digging out the zombie spawner room to create my XP farm :cool:
I need to start playing Minecraft online with others, I'm getting lonely in my own world :(:D

blitzben85 on PS4 if anyone wants to add me.
Didnt realise you could come.across abandoned mines! That looks great! Not seen a village yet :(

It's very handy when you find one, saves going back up top to collect wood for sticks when you're mining.

I really struck lucky with the area I found to be honest, a village, an abandoned mineshaft and multiple mob spawners for getting XP all within easy reach of my home :D
Got creepered about 5 times over the weekend :( Hsssss booom! Bad times, luckily wasn't carrying much of importance and made it back to my stuff in time to collect it. Damn cave network I'm in is bloody massive, there's always high level caves/entrances above you so whilst trying to torch everything it's easy for something to drop down from above and wtf creeper you from behind.
Am I the only person who get's creeped out by those sounds which play when you're close to a Cave network ? Playing with the headphones on makes me jump, along with Zombie moans and the Creeper hiss :D
Spent far too long playing on Sunday, got myself a fairly decent food supply sorted though, next step is to build an automated farm for wheat, sugar etc...

My world appears to be very rich with Gold deposits, haven't found too many diamonds though

Also discovered a desert temple/stronghold so will be exploring that tonight.. still not located a village yet though

Does anyone know if it's possible to expand the map as I've filled that in but the world seems to go on quite considerably past the boundaries?
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