Minecraft PS4 & Xbox One Builds and MP game Thread

28 Jan 2003
Thought it would be good for us to have a thread separate from the console threads for us to arrange MP games together and also have a thread where we can show off our creations (build logs would be fantastic) all in one thread.

I'll hopefully be starting off my house build tonight if I can get enough cobblestone together, I've had enough of living in a hillside.
They wont spawn in your house if there is light.

They may well still come to your house though if you have windows in it and they see you. I've had zombies trying to break down my doors before because they have seen me.
I've just reminded myself how bad I am at building houses in MC. I always have a lovely woodland cottage in mind or modern Mansion. In the end I find myself living in a hold in the side of a mountain :(

I'm more of a miner than a crafter :p

blitzben85 on PS4 if anyone wants to go caving for Diamonds.
I'll be on tonight (about 8pm on), my games set to open (PS4) so as long as your on my friends list or a friend of a friend you'll see it. It's called Ocukonia (original).

I've finished my house, although it needs kitted out internally and I have an internal access to a nice ravine/cave network :) I also have a roof farm for your bready needs.

PSN is Windle if anyone wants to add me.
I've just reminded myself how bad I am at building houses in MC. I always have a lovely woodland cottage in mind or modern Mansion. In the end I find myself living in a hold in the side of a mountain :(

I'm more of a miner than a crafter :p

blitzben85 on PS4 if anyone wants to go caving for Diamonds.

That's how I started, but I then got bitten by the bug to show off to my two boys at how skillful their dad is at building impressive things.


Can't get on psn site to see how much full game unlock is, seems to be down.

It's £12.99.
Im really tempted by this but not sure if its for me. The demo was more of a tutorial and it was a bit overwelming, i imagine starting fresh is easier as you discover stuff at your own pace
Im really tempted by this but not sure if its for me. The demo was more of a tutorial and it was a bit overwelming, i imagine starting fresh is easier as you discover stuff at your own pace

It's come a long way, you used to get no info in the early days. People literally had to figure out how to craft everything, had to rely heavily on the wiki etc.
Im really tempted by this but not sure if its for me. The demo was more of a tutorial and it was a bit overwelming, i imagine starting fresh is easier as you discover stuff at your own pace

If you do buy it I'm sure myself and others on here will be more than happy to get a world going for us. Show you the ropes etc...
Does the remote play work ok??

I bought Minecraft Alpha on the PC years ago and didn't play much, kinda tempted to get this, but between diablo just now and destiny coming on tuesday, dunno if i will find the time
Top tip: mine coal whenever you see it, it's not only good for torches/fuel it gives lots if XP orbs.

Got my resources, found a great base for my house and it's off to plan, got done screens ready!
If you do buy it I'm sure myself and others on here will be more than happy to get a world going for us. Show you the ropes etc...

Got this tonight to see what it is all about and spent most of the night building my house. I then planted too many trees and are now trapped in my house. I assume if we had a world we would all be in the same biodome and therefore share resources? I like idea of having an OCUK world but no idea how you do it.
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