Mini keyring-sized digital camera/camcorder

Phase one complete: Design cat helmet. This is made from paper, you could use plastic bottle for the final version. It joins around the neck and you could use Velcro traps to hold it, camera mounts on top. Oh what fun :D

Don;t forget to attach name + address to camera in case cat shakes it off :p
I just thought as these are so cheap and 3D is soon to be the new craze why not buy two and mount them eye distance apart, then put the two videos together and watch cross eyed! :D
i got mine a couple of days ago

ive also got a series 3version aswell, strapped it to the bumper of my rx7 and took it for a run last night, decided to do it at night to see how it copes.

The quality wasnt great because it struggles with having light sources(other cars etc) shining towards it as this does not let it set itself to the best possible quality.

Also noticed from about 50mph upwards the sound gets quieter, i can only assume this is the wind noise causing it to loose the sound, its very abrupt in its change aswell.

i had it running for 25mins and it used 1.45gb, not sure if it recording at night made any difference to that.

overall i would only recommend it for daytime use and maybe getting something to cover the microphone from wind noise would be a benefit.

Im thinking maybe having it on the rear strutbrace so you can film yourself and also the road, but will have to try that out today and then stick it on youtubbe if its ok
I've had an idea!

- i've got some balloons here, and a helium canister.

Get a few together, attach keyring camera to the bottom, looking down.
Attach balloons and camera to lightweight (12lb?) fishing line on a reel. I've got 600m reels, possibly use a 1000m line?

Wait for a completely still day, and launch it off the island. I wonder what the view would be like, how far it would travel etc.

When done playing, just reel in!

Do it, would be sweet.
What's the whole #3 and #5 thing about? Is the link in the OP the one to buy from?
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There is 5 different types of camera all are slightly different. #3 has both best quality sound and video.

This is where most people are ordering their #3 from (same link as the OP) ~£9.50:

This is one i bought following a link for a #3 on the chuklohr site ~£9:

This one is supposed to be a #3, someone received a #3 from that seller recently but previously someone had received a #5 so cheaper but more risky at only ~£7.50! - I also bought one of these
A 2gb on a #3 would last between roughly 25 and 35 minutes before becoming full. The battery life is between 50 and 70 minutes. Recordings auto stop and save after 30 minutes anyway. After that you have to start a new recording.
Could someone point me in the direction of a cheapo 2gb microsd card please. I have a small Sony M2 card but apparently its the wrong type of card

Would be good to somehow rig one up for a big night out, would be great at new years countdown on a dance night (presuming the sound quality is ok)
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