Mini keyring-sized digital camera/camcorder

Just bought a 4gb micro sd and even though the case is cracked, the camera works :D, i'll probably superglue the bits back together or tape it over to prevent stuff coming in and leave it like this, not sending it back to hongkong....
Just bought a 4gb micro sd and even though the case is cracked, the camera works :D, i'll probably superglue the bits back together or tape it over to prevent stuff coming in and leave it like this, not sending it back to hongkong....

Usually hong pong sellers just send a new one out to you and don't ask for the old one back.
Right mines been plugged in for about an hour now, so i assume it should be charged a decent amount.

Following the (awful) instructions i turn it on, the light comes on for a second then starts flashing, whch it does for like 5 seconds then goes off. Pressing the 'video' button makes no difference to the light whether i just press it or hold it down.

Help? :(

Edit: also does everyone elses card stick out of the slot by a few mm?
First upload:

Youtube compression made it a tad uglier, I uploaded an Xvid conversion of my vid... The original is a tad sharper and has brighter colors. So this is original>xvid>rubbish youtube flash...

Usually hong pong sellers just send a new one out to you and don't ask for the old one back.
Mine, the one from the first post of this thread wants it back for a replacement :(.


How do I know the battery is charged, how long should I charge it for ?
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Ride around the neighborhood:

in case anyone wants to see how it films driving etc...
Youtube really messed the quality up on the 320p, so watch the 480p at least ( when it's up, lol).
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Mine should be here tomorrow (thanks greywolf) and with OcUK's free 1st class shipping the memory card should be as well. I went for a 4GB class 2 micro SDHC one in the end as I figured the battery isn't going to last much longer than an hours worth of recording (4GB).

I'm off to Wales this weekend so I might get the chance to get it on a kite on the beach if the weather is suitable. I also have a RC car (proper one, not a toy) that I need to dig out and check is still working. I crashed it at top speed into a metal fence and I think I threw the steering alignment out.
Mine should be here tomorrow (thanks greywolf)

Np, although I would have thought it would have arrived by now.

Ive sold a few on ebay now, although someone ordered one today with the address of a caretaker at a school. To me sending a spy camera to a school sounds alittle dodgy :eek:

If its any of you on here sorry, just you have to admit, you can see why id think this.
So ive plugged it into the pc with no memory card and i have an orange light. In the instructions it states a green/red light should flash but i do not see this. I assume this means its full or?

When recording you press the video button to turn it on and then you hold it untill it blinks which means its recording. Press it again to stop. Is that right?

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With no memory it should just flash 35 times and go out.

With memory it'll continually burn if it's on ( standby).
Quickly press record for a pic, hold record for 3 or 4 secs till it flashes 3 times then it goes out and it's recording, tap record once to pause recording and to get the led back on to see if it's still running.

Night quality vid

The thing you occasionally hear sliding about in corners is the plastic cover for my engine which is lying on the boot cover, in case you were wondering...
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