I never seemed to mind top40 before I started work, I don't mind most of the songs up to about 5-10x, after that they get annoying, and I hear them more often than that at work
. Only 2 radio stations I would listen to myself is Veronica FM ( 80's and 90's hits) and Arrow Classic Rock (classic rock
I hate one station more here though than the hits/top40 stations: 100% NL, as the name says, only Dutch crap
I can listen to anything, from 30's jazz to Rock n Roll to Hiphop to house and dance music to pop, but hearing the same pop songs over and over on the radio gets very annoying
. I just don't like stuff like non english stuff ( there are exceptions, but few), hardcore, and current pop ish hiphop ( Lil wayne and those types...).
Oh well, I think youtube broke a lot of the video quality in his vid anyhow, would look much better on the source I think.