This was my RC that I attached the camera to, unfortunately the AVI came out as 0kb.
Mine has done this a few times, very annoying.
Ive read that this is a problem sometimes if you dont power on the camera before connecting it to usb.
Make sure you power up the camera before plugging it into usb and hopefully that should make sure you dont get any 0k files.
I think i've killed mine already!!
Stuck it on charge earlier and forgot i'd done it. 10 hours later (after i'd been work) I come home and realise. Unplugged it to have a play and I get nothing.
No lights at all no matter how long I hold the power button for.
The only time I get a yellow light is when its plugged into the USB. A solid yellow light.
Have I killed it?
Try reseting it?
Yep. Still doesn't do anything. Is it likely to be borked through over-charging? Bit crap if it is!