Well just got round to having a good play with the camera after having to borrow my mum's micro SD card lol and its an absolutely cracking camera for how stupidly small and cheap it was, the picture quality even though its 720 is absolutely excellent, very clear and the frames are very good too. The sound is very clear as well but as others have said on here, the microphone is very sensitive and when you walk around with it your finger movements and the key ring jingleing can sometimes over power the sound but overwise the sound is still crisp clear.
The only hard part that I found to get on with the camera is trying to remove the flipping micro sd card. Even with my nail pressed into the card so it clicks out it would just not click at all, I ended up having to get my debit card and once I pressed the card in with that it finally came out but I just suppose this because how slim the micro SD card is. Really need to get myself my own micro SD card at some point (I used to have like 3 of them a while ago, who knows where they disappeared to), anyway the camera is well worth the £6.50 or whatever is was - get one!