too old, i'm so old that the Evo only costs 320 quid to insure
but i think the Fiesta is powerful enough for me, i've always wanted an Evo, but i think it's too extreme and attracts too much attention....
i think i'm going to have to take a look at this one next week
Mine is £240 a year with all mods declared
If the evo you linked to is standard then they're really not that fast. Don't get me wrong, they're quicker than most normal cars but a standard evo 6 will need a few tweaks to feel really fast.
You don't get that much attention. At the end of the day. It's just a 4 door jap saloon. You only get attention if you drive it like a buffoon.[/
is this one fast enough !
It's a nice car, fifteen grand is a lot though. What's your budget for repairs?
i've seen another and this one is Evil, it scares the crap out of me !!!!!!!!!
Evo 5, full roll cage........620's less than the fourstar car, but i dont know about reliability etc..........i've just seen it 10 mins ago, the interior is gutted
Please, please, please post a pic of the car you actually end up buying.....
Sick merc c class w203 aftermarket tail lights bro
I don't have first hand experience of them but Clives Performance don't have a particularly good reputation. Least not on Scoobynet.
Have you got any experience in owning and running a heavily modified car? If you're after an Evo get yourself on MLR and lurk for awhile doing your homework, there's some proper good lads on it.
My brother has had five Evo's on the trot now and every incarnation has it's foibles, he's just sold his 670bhp TRL Developments Evo X as he was sick of the CONSTANT issues with it. His favourite was his 8 MR apparently.
i can afford the Civic Type R, but it means i'll have to do a 4 day week..... because if i was going to drive a fast car all the time i'd go for that.... it is a much better car in real life than in the's just awesome
if i order the Type R i wont get it till April, because it's imported by order only, it wont be stocked in the U.K
it's so hard to work out what to do
£15k for a non TM Evo VI, no thanks.
Pretty much.
£15k should be mint TM Evo VI money? Or it was 2/3 years ago.
Also £16.5k for a P1? They were about £8-10k 2/3 years ago too. Looks like I missed the boat on that one.