3RM of anything you want.
Decided to work on Snatch - always a hard one for me. Got 45kg from the floor but struggled with 50kg and didn't get it. Did Hang Snatch with 50kg and got 3 of them.
WOD1 - 7min cap
WOD2 - 7min cap
WOD3 - 7min cap - AMRAP
3RM of anything you want.
Decided to work on Snatch - always a hard one for me. Got 45kg from the floor but struggled with 50kg and didn't get it. Did Hang Snatch with 50kg and got 3 of them.
WOD1 - 7min cap
- 1000m row
- AMRAP Manmakers 22.5kg dumbells
WOD2 - 7min cap
- Annie -50/50, 40/40 etc Double Unders and Situps.
WOD3 - 7min cap - AMRAP
- 10 jumping pull ups
- 10 lunges
- 15 20kg KB swings.