Mixed bag - Crossfit/Stronglifts/Spin


3RM of anything you want.

Decided to work on Snatch - always a hard one for me. Got 45kg from the floor but struggled with 50kg and didn't get it. Did Hang Snatch with 50kg and got 3 of them.

WOD1 - 7min cap
  • 1000m row
  • AMRAP Manmakers 22.5kg dumbells
Manmakers should be illegal!! lol - hate them. Row under 4 mins and then struggled through 14 MM. 22.5kg was probably too heavy if I'm honest but gave them a go.

WOD2 - 7min cap
  • Annie -50/50, 40/40 etc Double Unders and Situps.
I am still working on DU so I did 3 singles into a DU, 3 singles into a DU etc etc - So I did 75 singles and 25 double unders (mainly for practice). Did similar for the round of 40 (3 singles 1 DU x 20) etc. Got into round of 30 situps and completed 10 of them. Technique is still work in progress for DU.

WOD3 - 7min cap - AMRAP
  • 10 jumping pull ups
  • 10 lunges
  • 15 20kg KB swings.
Managed 6 full rounds - pretty happy with that and felt it was ok.
Squat Bootcamp

I knew this was going to be horrible tonight as I've missed nearly 3 weeks of squatting with holidays etc - It was exactly that - horrible.

Still working on 4 sets of 7 @ 100kg.

1st set - 100kg x 7
2nd set - failed on 3rd rep (!!!) @100kg - legs like rubber !!
3rd set - dropped to 90kg for 7
4th set - 92.5kg for 7

Just lacking volume of squats so will take a couple of weeks I guess to get back to it again.

Monster Mash - 37 Min time Cap.

5 Rounds

  • 5 burpee box jumps
  • 10 Single Arm dumbell clean and press (22.5kg)
  • 15 Box Step Ups.
Mandatory 3 min rest.

2 Rounds
  • 25 Cal Ski
  • 50 American KB Swings (20kg)
Mandatory 3 min rest.

4 Rounds

  • 10 Ring Rows (rx - 3 bar muscle ups)
  • 20 Hand release pressups (rx - 10 Handstand pressups)
  • 20 Air Squats (rx -10 pistols)
woooffftt - Brutal again - Just a burner from start to finish. 50 KB swings (x2) had my forearms pumping like mad.....that slowed me right down on the Hand release pressups, arms were completely empty. Toughs shift - finished in 36.05. Happy to finish but needed 5 mins lying on the floor to recover.
Friday Conditioning

100 reps between you and partner - split anyway you want.
  • Russian Twists, 10 kg
  • Burpee Ball Slams, 9 kg
  • Sumo Deadlift High-pulls, 24 kg
  • Box Step-ups, 24 in
  • Walking Lunges
  • Wall Balls but also must touch floor with ball.
  • Star jump into tuck jump
Tasty 20 minute one this. Got first 5 rounds done and 30 wall ball touches each.

Barbell Class

Warm up - Complex - 5 deadlift into 5 hang clean into 5 front squat into 5 jerk (push/split)- 2 rounds low weight. (20/30kg)

Then Complex of 1 Power Clean/Hang clean/front squat/split jerk

1 complex every 90 seconds ( x7) ascending weights. Managed to go 45kg/47.5/50/52.5/55/57.5 and 60kg.


1 lift every 2 mins (x7) - 1 x Power clean into Split Jerk to find 1RM - Got 60/62.5/65/67.5 and then failed 70kg 3 times.

First time split jerking so happy enough with my start to that. Need to focus on wider stance and lower stance in the split - be more aggressive with it!
Right time for a change up in training. A couple of spots opened up on the Dynamic Athlete program at the gym. This is more structured program instead of the various (random) daily/weekly classes. Usually consisting of conditioning work, strength work and then weakness work, along with a weekly Competition WOD which needs judge by another athlete. There is normally 3 full days of programming to be completed ideally over the week, along with personalised weakness work. I thought I'd give the program a go for a few months and see how I get on.

Ideally partner up with another person and push yourself/each other as much as possible. Couple of the guys on the program have taken huge leaps forward in body shape/fitness etc as it's more structured to them rather than just various classes etc. There is a core structure and then personalised weakness stuff.



Every 2 mins complete (and log times)
  • 250m row
  • 250m run
5 Rounds of each.

Nice day so rowers setup near the door and then ran outside with another guy who is faster than me but managed to be pretty much on point with him during whole workout.

Row (250m) - 49, 48, 48.6, 49.6, 49.4
Run (250m) - 40, 39, 38, 40, 39

Then gymnastic work - huge weakness for me. Personalised to 4 T2B in 90 seconds, then 8 min EMOM - 2 T2B. Managed 3, then 1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1. It's a start!! Back later today for Squat Homework.

Conditioning - Offftttt - Assault Bike Calories
  • 1 min max effort (22 cals)
  • 1 min res
  • 2 min max effort (32 cals)
  • 1 min rest
  • 3 min max effort (40 cals)
  • 1 min rest
  • 4 min max effort (52 cals)
  • 1 min rest
  • 5 min max effort (65 Cals)
  • 1 min rest
That was a brute of a workout - Looking for total and also the various intervals. Total was 211 calories overall which I'm pretty happy with as I was doing it with a lad that made top 200 in UK in The Open and he hit 222. Legs shredded.


3 Mins AMRAP
  • 7 Power Cleans (45kg)
  • 7 Front Squats (45kg)
Managed 3 rounds plus 7PC and 5 Front Squats

3 Mins AMRAP
  • 7 Deadlifts (45kg)
  • 7 STOH (45kg)
Another weakness here - STOH - Managed 2 rounds, 7 deads and 6 STOH.

Barbell Complex
  • 5 Deadlifts into 5 Hang Power Cleans into 5 Front Squat into 5 Shoulder to Overhead - 15 min time cap to find max weight - Must be unbroken for full complex.
I knew going into this that the last movement (STOH) would be my limiting factor. Started out fairly light at 35kg but worked up to completing 52.5kg. Did 5/5/5 @ 55kg but failed on first STOH so that round doesn't count. First 3 movements are all fine at that weight but poor STOH limited me.

  • 1000m Ski (3.50)
  • 2 min rest
  • 750m Ski (2.56)
  • 2 min rest
  • 500m Ski (1.54)
Tough going after the complex, but pushed hard - nothing left by the end.

Squat Bootcamp tonight
Another slightly disappointing night at Squat Bootcamp.

Aiming to get back to my sets of 7 @ 100kg.

1st set of 7 - 95kg
2nd set of 7 - 100kg - failed 4th rep.
3rd set of 7 - 90kg
4th set of 7 - 95kg

Two reasons I think - Change up in training this week has hit me hard, feeling pretty tired and secondly normally don't train on a Wednesday before squatting but did today.

Will get back on form hopefully next week!

PT session - lots of gymnastic work - lots of banded pullups/banded c2b etc. Lat pull downs/Bench press etc - trying to work on building the muscles etc needed for pullups etc.

Comp WOD - 12 min Cap

4 Rounds
  • 5 x 30" Burpee Box Jump
  • 10 x 22.5kg Alt Dumbell Snatch
2 Rounds
  • 21 9kg Wall Balls
  • 15 Cal Assault Bike
  • 9 50kg Overhead Squat (scaled to 35kg for me)
  • 6 Bar Muscle Ups or 12 Chest to Bar
Normally due to "dodgy" knees I step up but thought what the hell, lets stick with the program. Surprised myself at making all the BBJ @ 30" - Got no repped a couple of times for not locking out the hips. First 4 rounds were ok. Wall balls were fine, Bike was ok. Really struggled on the OHS.

Legs were empty after the bike so needed to just settle myself down and eventually I got all 9 done in 2's/3's. I don't have BMU or C2B so only 10 seconds left at the end so did 5 High knee raises.

Happy with my first run at a Comp WOD since the Open.

Feeling the effects of 6th session this week on the new program for sure.

9.30 Conditioning Class (reps split even between me and partner)
  • 100 24" box jump overs
  • 40 Cal Bike
  • 100 Ball pass situps
  • 40 Cal Bike
  • 100 Kettlebell cleans
  • 40 Cal Bike
Then Lifting session- 12 Min Squat Clean EMOM -2 reps every minute - 65kg - 2,0,1,2,2,2,1,2,1,2,2,1

Not my best Squat Cleans but legs and arms are very tired. Day off tomorrow for sure!
Did some bits and bobs over the weekend whilst my son was training but nothin major (banded pull ups and squats)



  • 2 Minutes - 15 Cal Assault into AMRAP Burpees
  • 2 Minutes Rest
  • 2 Minutes - 15 Cal Assault into AMRAP DU
  • 2 Minutes Rest
  • 2 Minutes - 15 Cal Assault into 13kg Wall Balls.
  • 2 Minutes Rest
2 Full rounds.

OMG - Doesn't sound much but that was hard going. I smashed out the Cal's and then went hard as I could on everything. Double unders are very slowly progressing, I still need to go single, single, single, double, single, single, single, double etc for my rhythm but gradually I'll get that down to less singles etc. 13kg wall ball is a different game from the usual 9kg one. That was as shock to the system on the first set!!

Burpees 27/17
Doubles - 9/10 (PR for me!!!)
Wall ball - 13/15

Then 2 Rep Max Power Clean into Push Jerk (no split allowed) - 8 progressive sets, 2 reps every 2 minutes. HOWEVER, touch and go reps with no pause in the rack position.

35kg/40/45/50/53/55/58/60 and did 2 x 62kg but got no repped from one of the coaches!! - told me I racked it for like 0.0003 of second too long to count.:laugh::laugh: (i did rack it too long so I knew it was a no rep as I tried to adjust my grip!!) Tried again and got a single at 62kg.

  • 500 row into 500m run into 50 DU (100 singles for me)
  • 400 row into 400m run into 40 DU (80 singles for me)
  • 300 row into 300m run into 30 DU (60 singles for me)
  • 200 row into 200m run into 20 DU (40 singles for me)
  • 100 row into 100m run into 10 DU (20 singles for me)
18 min Time cap overall. Tough one, rowed outside in the sunshine and then inside on the assault runner then back out for the skipping. Pushed hard as I hate running and finished in just over time cap - 18.17. Transitions could have been a touch quicker to get me under cap.


2 Rep Squat Snatch, touch and go - 8 rounds ascending weights - Always another struggle for me.
  • 30kg/35/37.5/40/42.5kg , then missed a ton of 45kg!! More weaknesses exposed.
Keep drilling those weaknesses! Glad to see you are maintaining the intensity.

Are you starting to see changes to your body/ability?
Keep drilling those weaknesses! Glad to see you are maintaining the intensity.

Are you starting to see changes to your body/ability?

yeah - I'm not doing it to loose weight so that part is no change (weight is not an issue) - Can certainly see changes in muscle groups (arms/back etc) - I can see progress in a lot of areas but there is so many weaknesses that it can take a long time to fill those holes. I do get a little frustrated at times when more weaknesses are exposed but I know that I just need to keep plugging away at them. I will get a strict pullup one day.........:D

I have to remind myself that some of the people I train with are mid 20's etc - I'm 42 at the end of the year!! Can't compare my numbers to theirs as it's just not right.

Weights are increasing slowly, still got lots of "technical" things to learn to improve - but loving the challenge of crossfit.

Still enjoy going, I work hard everytime I go and I know these things will come with time.
I am 31 and crushing the early/mid 20's lads is one of the greatest pleasures :D. In the nicest possible way of course.

Really glad to see you sticking to it. It really does work.
Thanks @Jester* - always good to have some feedback/comments and your log is enjoyable to read and watch your progress.


  • Ski Erg Calories : 20 secs on/ 40 secs off - 12 rounds
10,10,10,10,9,9,8,8,9,8,9,9 for 109 cals total.


12 mins to find 1RM Split Jerk.

Another newish one - only done it a couple of times before and trying to be really aggressive and drop under the bar as much as I can.
  • 1 Split Jerk | 55 kg
  • 1 Split Jerk | 60 kg
  • 1 Split Jerk | 65 kg
  • 1 Split Jerk | 67.5 kg
  • 1 Split Jerk | 70 kg
  • 1 Split Jerk | 72 kg
  • 1 Split Jerk | 74 kg
Happy with that as it's a 6.5kg PR!

Didn't get my gymnastics practice in today as I have Squat bootcamp later tonight so rest of week will be gymnastics work and some more engine/conditioning stuff.
Squat bootcamp

Good night for a change - after 2 weeks in the doldrums with my squatting - back to feeling better!!

1 x 7 @ 95kg
1 x 7 @ 100kg
1 x 2 @ 105kg
1 x 2 @ 107.5kg
1 x 2 @ 110kg

Onwards and upwards!!
Thursday PT session

All weakness work -

First ever headstands! Getting used to being upside down.

4 x 10 lat pull downs
3 x 10 press ups
3 x 10 Australian pullups

Then tonight's pukefest - Endurance bootcamp. This is ALWAYS a total horror show. John, the owner, takes this class and it's just max out all the time, no hiding etc. BRUTAL


5 min cap

200m row to buy in, into 3 circuits of the carpark run then max out row for remaining time.


Legs completely wrecked each time - 3 rounds and your scores were the distance rowed once you came in from the run as above.

Then into max cals assault bike in 1 min - 32cals. Very pleased with this after the above session.

Overall a brutal session - real max efforts, no prisoners taken!
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