
You've obviously not heard the 2600 RPM one. It sounds like a blender.
The original 3600rpm model was nightmarish, but the 2600rpm version was highly regarded. The DC-LT2 is even quieter still and is used in all of Alphacool's AIOs. I've got a LT2 next door but no tried it myself yet.

All I'd say is run it at 12V first and see what happens, not entirely convinced you'd get enough poke out of it if you dialled down to 7V.
Hmm actually there was a piece of magnetic grit in it when I stripped it. Will see how it sounds then. Can always make more than one connection for it (both 12 and 7v).
Update 48 - "I'm a poet and I don't know it, and weld&drill&tap".




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Nice. Power supply's in the wrong place though :p ...and wants a side panel so you can't touch the live bits like you can on certain fruit-branded equipment *KZZZZzzzzrt* Don't ask! :rolleyes:
You going to do a mesh/filter behind the Radiohead cutout? I know I'd drop screws through there when it was on with my luck/clumsiness :D
I cut a filter frame. I then started gluing on mesh, and it kinda went to crap. It's sat on my desk, and has been in and out of the bin twice. I will worry about it later. Much later lol.
Update 49 - "It is what it is".

Quite why I ever trusted the pieces of acrylic I bought to be straight is a mystery. What needed to happen right from the start was I needed to basically machine out every single piece and cut every single edge with the machine. As I didn't do that the case was out of whack. Meaning when I put the side panels in the front busted. This meant hours of scraping off super glue before welding.

There isn't much I can do about this now, and nor do I want to. When it is done it will be a proof of concept, and I will then move onto the mod I wanted to do but needed to learn first. I would have been gutted had I attempted what I dreamed of and it turned out peed, so yeah a lot has been learned.

Namely the pieces I machined are all excellent.


And yes I could cut out pieces to cover all the gaps but I really don't want to now at this stage. I want to take what I have learned and use the knowledge.



Ah, how square is square. How long have you got, how many decimal places and how well are you able to accept when it doesn't much matter?
Yes, material you buy will often not have a properly square corner. It will never be the dimensions claim; if you're lucky, it'll be on the long side. Oh, and it'll never turn up quick if you actually need it fast!
Also worth bearing in mind that cuts will not only not be square in the 2D "flat" plane but also in 3D "depth"plane too. Imagine you let someone loose with a bread knife.... that's the 'loaf' you've been delivered :D
Haha. TBH I was a bit down on it. The cold returned and again I feel crappy.

Really, I could have very easily hid everything I've showed and made it look perfect. I took two good photos earlier that made it look brilliant. That said I'm not a liar and I don't hide things. You can't teach people to make the mistakes you hid. You're just lying to yourself.

It still looks super and tbh the parts I designed and cut are all spot on. So I'm not going to be down on myself over making the mistake of not perving over the sheets I bought with a Vernier and tape measure. It was never that serious and I knew I would make lots of mistakes. Having learned from those? I won't make them with 02.

I will drill and tap the four screws to hold on the windowed panel tomorrow. I welded the other side in to give it much more strength. Because the top comes off it's very easy to fit the PSU even with it welded in.

TBH I just want it running now. I am growing very tired of the 6700XT on air it makes a proper racket. So does the 120mm AIO in that rig. Both cool extremely well but the cost is noise.
Update 50 - "Being a bit hard on myself".



TBH unless you sit and stare at the sides side on it's actually pretty good. I just don't like being dishonest.

So yes. Going forward, don't trust sheets of acrylic to be straight or even. This won't matter squat going forward any way, and tbh? I should be grateful it even fits together after quite a few catastrophes. Also, another lesson is do not use Super glue, it's crap.

Another bright day. So whilst I sat being blinded by the sun I popped out into the garden for some freezing cold spray painting.


One more of those and the PSU can be put back together and be used.
Update 52 - "Painting is done".

Thank gawd.


I can finally put the PSU back together once it has dried. Then hopefully start putting coolant in over the weekend.
Am I F ! lol.

You don't see any of it when it's in. Besides, that would be a grand way to clog the engraving (especially that fine) and ruin it.

The PSU is now in, and mostly connected. Then I saw something I could improve by making a final piece. Not just cosmetically, but I can weld it in place and make the thing tank like.


When it is finished I can continue assembly.
Fine line masking on 0.8mm cuts with my eyes? yeah, right ! lol.

Update 53 - "One more day of work to go".




Best of all IT STILL WORKS ! woo !



All I have left to do now is cut down 7 IIRC gold bolts and glue them into the holes on the top I made. I also have to put these to use.


And make a custom connector for the pump. Which I am also going to braid yellow.
Update 54 - "No I lied, still one more day".

So last night I finished up wiring and finally joined the two boxes together. At which point I filled and burped it. This wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, but god my hands were killing me from squeezing the fill bottle. Took about oo, 30 mins?

I then installed Windows.


And ran a few tests last night. GPU seems very happy now.


So this is where we are at today.


Nothing has been assembled yet.


And there is a good reason for that. After a lot of testing I can not get those 6 Bitspower fans to produce anything I consider to be livable noise levels WITHOUT the pump stopping. Which is a big issue. I built this thing because I was tired of the noise, not because I wanted more. So, thinking on my feet last night I bought these.


Which are quite expensive. So I did not want to buy 6 of them, so I got these with them.


X2. So I will use the noise reducers (two) into those, and then connect the fans to those. I should then be able to crank up the pump without worrying about the fans sending me crazy.

Must say the coolant looks really suss in the filling bottle.

You might know this, but be aware that resistors to reduce fan speeds react to current. More current = more voltage drop. So 3 fans off one reducer will run slower than running them off individual reducers. This might suit you down to the ground!

Also will increase heat in that resistor, I'd hope they spec them to handle enough power...
Yes boys that would indeed suit me down to the ground. The fans are pretty brutal. Well over 2k RPM. They seem to be happiest at around 4.5v on the little power supply, but then the pump stops. I did some testing when I got it, and the display lies. 4.5 is actually around 5 ish. The pump needs at least 6 to do anything.

TBH with 6 fans and no hardware in there? they could literally sit at a whisper. I did ramp them up to max last night and it made sod all difference to the temps whatsoever.

Not worried about them getting hot much. They will have two 120mm fans blasting air directly at them.

Gareth - I have no idea bruv. I suppose I will just have to "suck it and see" and see what occurs. Right now I don't have any. I ordered them last night.
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