
Update 42 - "Yellow snow part 2, and today almost sucked as bad as two days ago".

So I got up and made some coffee. Made sure I had permission to make noise for two hours, then started applying tape to the spoil board. Only it was moving. After some head scratching I soon realised that the bolts they had given me were too long. The ones I got with the small spoil board were not long enough. FFS, here we go :(

I dug out the washers I bought a while back and put two in each hole. Made sure that the bolts were not proud of the spoil board, they weren't. OK cool can we please carry on now?

Stuck the acrylic down and started running the job. Only once it got half way up the piece the thing was just cutting air. Cancelled it, and then realised that the bed was out of true. What I mean by this is not that the bed was not level. The whole machine is not level. What is critical, however, is that the cutting bit and spindle motor are as level with the cutting bed as is humanly possible. And mine? was badly out of whack. We are talking around 7mm disparity between the front of the bed and rear. Hence why when it got about half way down a 1.5mm cut was not even touching the material.

I thought about a whole ton of ways to fix this without having to take the entire machine apart again. However, I could not think of one. Nearly two hours in I finally realised I should shove some plastic shims between the spoil board and the metal machine bed. There must be someone up there in the sky, 'cause this fixed the problem completely.

Only issue now was that I was nearly 3 hours into the day with F all done. So I started the job, went out onto the landing for a pee and got "Is it nearly done?" from my annoyed mother. "No mother, it is not done it has just started".

I really thought today was just destined for the **** heap, but miraculously.




I had gotten exactly what I asked for. The only ball pain in between that? was having to completely redesign the writing because the 1mm bit I had in there snapped during calibration with the new bed and I was then worrying that I could easily snap another one and totally ruin that piece of acrylic. So, I switched it to a 1.5, but then the text was too small.

I have one more job to do today. If you cast your mind back to this.


Being the broken ice cut out at the bottom. It should have shards of broken ice in it like this.


Unfortunately two were too small to even attempt to glue to the window acrylic, and two accidentally went up the vacuum cleaner. They were also too small to glue down properly, and thus I need to design them and cut them out of that 3M white vinyl and apply them as decals.
Update 45 - "End on a high".

So as of Tuesday morning I shall be taking a week off. And a week away back at my place to listen to some records and give my brain a rest. Until then.



Ah, a week "off" to perfect the design of your own custom waterblocks... I understand ;P

You've got more chance of getting a hand shandy off the pope. The one that just clacked it ! I need a bloody break. Sodding weather has stopped me finishing the PSU too grrr. I only need literally 10 mins outside ffs, but nope can't even get that. I got some new vinyl for Xmas, so I reckon I will take well to the couch potato thing.

Ross - those with OCD don't stop until it's done lol. That is why I must return to Andrew Towers and recharge my batteries a bit. Sitting on my ass stuffing food whilst watching the TV sounds soooooo good right now. Instead of trying to navigate this room that feels like I'm in It's A Knockout ffs.
Update 46 - "Opportunity knocks".

Finally today I awoke to no rain and some actual sunshine.

It's cold, but with acrylic paints that matters ye not. So, I took it out and put down some silver flake with silver pearl.


Which as I suspected really brought the yellow tone down. It also looks superb, so there is that.

And yes, I did actually totally forget about the Halo. However, in my forgetfulness I decided to paint that white, so today it got some etch.


The plastic weld also arrived, so I am now armed and dangerous. I might play with my ringholes later.
Update whatever - "Playing with my ringholes".

OK so I machined these quite a while back now. I knew that if I attempted to even go near them with super glue the smoked window would frost over. So, I waited for the real stuff.


Now you can see I actually read the instructions there ! and, I thought that maybe, finally, I would find a use for those brushes. Nope. That is the worst method ever. Time to get the pieces together it has evaporated. So, I took to my old method of "Shooting up".




It works something like this.


So, all I need to do now is finish drilling the 2mm deep pilot hole in the front to a size of my choice, then plastic weld it to the front panel.
Bit of the yellow acrylic to fill the hole? Translucent (to pass the light) but not transparent (to see the LED etc). Say 1.5mm of the same diameter as the hole (give or take some clearance so it fits) and then 1.5mm of a wider diameter like a flange to stop it falling too far in and make it look nice and tidy.
Dunno dude. We'll see. I still have a bit of the trans yellow left, though it is extruded. That said the machine doesn't mind so long as you use the correct settings.

Update 47 - Sing it with me. "About a week of work, my Iron Lung".




Some belmet stuck the decal on the wrong side. This is not a problem. Remember that backup sheet of 3mm?


I have something planned that will take the machine about 5 hours.
Well that's annoying. It has just dawned on me that instead of wasting hours buggering around on that halo I could have bloody machined one.
Well that's annoying. It has just dawned on me that instead of wasting hours buggering around on that halo I could have bloody machined one.

Woah, careful there! You're getting dangerously close to the machinist mindset of "Buy one?! But I can make my own for only twice the cost and five minutes* of my time!"

*First rule of machinist club: it NEVER takes five minutes. Hours, maybe even days go by on those "I'll just quickly..." projects!
haha I actually have more than enough white 5mm left. Ah well, in for a penny now. Just have to spray it white, then add some flake.
Late night PSU action part 2.

Found three small scraps of 3M. Had to cut each line separately after sticking the vinyl down to an A4 sheet of paper so the plotter could use it.

Got there in the end.


We now have it on the correct side lol.
Right just a quick update whilst I have 5 minutes.

I had a cold for a few days before I left. I then got to stand outside in the cold and wind for 30 minutes waiting for a taxi home. As such when I got home I felt pretty crap. The next day I hardly got out of bed, and the day after wasn't much better.

Started feeling better yesterday.

I have one issue that will need fixing at the end, and that is plastic weld spillage. Due to how it works (it turns the plastic or acrylic into molten form, then welds it together as it dries) it often takes a crap on your piece. Those who have used it will know what I am talking about. And on a yellow panel this will be an issue a lot more than on a white one. I already have some work to do at the back where excess superglue got on the piece.

The only way to fix this is to basically do what you do when painting. Use abrasives to smooth it down then polish it with compounds. I have the correct compounds for both clear coat and plastics. Firstly T Cut Metallic which is much finer than regular T cut. I then use Meguiars Plast X which is the finest I have. Before that though we need abrasives, and mine I bought before mysteriously vanished.


I also need more wire. The only thing that needs power in there is the pump, and I am not running it off the board as I am not sure if the RPM tacho cable is shorted to one of the others due to that nasty solder job I had to do. IE, I am not risking frying that beautiful motherboard. I also want it running at 7v, so I am going to take apart one of the green and black molex runs and make a purpose based connector directly from the PSU to the pump.


Given the ease of access for the PSU (as it has a whole side to itself) this will be the best option. As poking around in the board/GPU area is not the most sensible thing to do. It is densely packed in there.

That ought to about do it. Will update when work resumes on Tuesday.
I haven't played with those pumps specifically but are you sure there's nothing stuck in the rotor? Like grit or rust. The DDCs I have are running at 3250 rpm which is about 50% speed (at least according to PWM) and they're almost silent.
I've certainly had rust develop on the metal part of the impeller when left out of a system and not fully dried off. I've also had bits of swarf in the loop that were pulled out of dodgy rads (I presume). That get stuck to the magnetic impeller and causes problems.
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