Had a similar issue with ParcelMonkey which ended up being resolved days before a court case was due and also took close to a year to sort after losing an insured £2k+ value parcel plus the solicitor costs. The person collecting the parcel looked at the pre-printed label I'd been given by the PM site (with a tracking number) and said it was the wrong sort, removed it and stuck a "customer didn't print a label" sticker on the box and had me hand-write everything directly on the box whilst giving me a new tracking number from a small printer on his belt (a card scanner sized thing), then the box never showed up at the depot and the new tracking number wasn't recognised by their system. PM looked at my photo of the box, new sticker with address, new tracking number and decided "Nope, not our fault" and did nothing until about a week before the case was due to be heard then it was suddenly "anything we can do to help, here the costs of parcel and fee's etc".