Monster Hunter World PC (The official?)

Was about to say I'm 80 hours in, but just checking and it's 101. I've not enjoyed a game as much as this in a long time - I guess it's just hitting the right notes for me somehow. It's mad at the difference in speed that people can run through a game. For me, I didn't hit the part where you start hunting tracks (after the main Zorah bit) until well after 50 hours in, but I didn't just purely focus on hammering the main story missions.

Just as a heads-up for people who might have stopped shortly after that point and didn't do the whole "find the tracks" bit, there's a new location to unlock after the Rotten Vale area.
Lol to those thinking the end is after zora ..... that's like easy've basically done an extended tutorial.
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okay okay, im happy. I felt gutted but now im happy ive got loads more game left. :) Just started collecting those footsteps again. Nearly there as we speak.
I just cannot get passed how ugly the texture work is and even worse all the post processing. Whenever i pan the camera i get nauseated and a headache. The input situation on keyboard/mouse didn't help either. Haven't touched it since launch day which i find a bit sad cause on paper the game looks rather cool. Have there been any patches since launch?
I just cannot get passed how ugly the texture work is and even worse all the post processing. Whenever i pan the camera i get nauseated and a headache. The input situation on keyboard/mouse didn't help either. Haven't touched it since launch day which i find a bit sad cause on paper the game looks rather cool. Have there been any patches since launch?

They have had 1 patch which was to help fix the network. It really helped it's much faster to search and join matches now and people don't drop out of your game leaving you with blank spaces. Also it seems to have helped a lot of people with framedrops but wasnt mentioned in notes.

As for the camera pan problems this is mainly only an issue if you play on keyboard and mouse. Playing on controller I can run about with no blur or anything and the game looks crisp and clear, I did try using mouse just to see what all the fuss was about and yeah it is shockingly bad the screen just blurs up and has a ton of input lag. I don't think they have added fix for this yet but they have said they are working on it. There are some settings to tweak which helps but couldn't tell you what they are as I'm a pad player.

As for textures they could do with high res pack but overall game looks great IMO. I went and played gears of war 4 for the first time at the weekend and although textures are high res it didn't look anywhere near as good as monster hunter.
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As for textures they could do with high res pack but overall game looks great IMO. I went and played gears of war 4 for the first time at the weekend and although textures are high res it didn't look anywhere as near as monster hunter.

Taking in any given scene as a whole, I agree - overall it looks great (hell, in places in can look stunning). Don't know if you saw the Digital Foundry video though - in some places, the XBox One version has higher res textures than the PC version, so that's something that could do with sorting out - or just a proper hires texture pack like you say.
okay okay, im happy. I felt gutted but now im happy ive got loads more game left. :) Just started collecting those footsteps again. Nearly there as we speak.
IMO Monster Hunter is not really about the narrative itself but more about the gameplay.

It is not about beating the story quests, but mastering the art of each weapons and how quickly and skilfully you can dispatch your opponents.

Not the best example, but take Team Fortress for example...there's no narrative or story at all so to speak, but it's all about the multiplayer experience having a blast, and getting better at using each class and becoming a master at it :p

Also Buddy mentioned, after the beating Zora for the first it is pretty much just completed the tutorial.

Wait till you get to fighting the Elder Dragons at High Rank...the chances are you need to REALLY master the use of the weapons just to have better odds against them with not guaranteed win unless everyone in the team pull their weight. If half the time you attacks don't hit the target due to button-mashing, by the time get to fight the Elder Dragons, ANY openings could prove to be fatal and causing the mission to fail (if any of the members faint too many times). So you have to aim to be so good that not only you can pull your own weight and not drag your team down, but to be able to carry others as well if one member of the team is failing a bit is pulling his own weight.

I myself haven't got passed HR11 due to having too much fun playing multiplayer instead of progressing on story mode, but I know for a fact that I got a long LONG way to go from mastering majority of the weapons. For now I stick with the easier to handle weapons like Dual-blade and Hammer to get more use to the battles first...once I have become better at the fight itself, then I would practise more with weapons that are slow to wield and with big openings when attacking.

Nicely put. Lots of aspects but it's more about the gameplay. For most it's about mastering weapons, collecting all sets and items, creating interesting sets (my favourite is a all poison set I made with lots of regen) and shaving times off some of the challenging fights.
Look for my post above with 21:9 MOD working....... it's even got pictures :p

All working, im guessing the OSD for the game still being in the same place is unavoidable.
Thanks for letting us know about it mate.
Just tinkering with the games settings to get it smooth, its really stressing my system lol
All working, im guessing the OSD for the game still being in the same place is unavoidable.
Thanks for letting us know about it mate.
Just tinkering with the games settings to get it smooth, its really stressing my system lol

You should get pretty good frames if you turn volumetric fog off.

People are saying there is also an issue with an nvidia driver causing too much cpu use. For the fix you actually need nvidia inspector and delete the profile for the game. I checked my cpu useage other day and I'm sat at 100% I havent tried the fix yet.
You should get pretty good frames if you turn volumetric fog off.

People are saying there is also an issue with an nvidia driver causing too much cpu use. For the fix you actually need nvidia inspector and delete the profile for the game. I checked my cpu useage other day and I'm sat at 100% I havent tried the fix yet.

yeah turned that off earlier, turned shadows down a little too.
I want 100fps if possible on my acer x34a so ill tinker till i get that or close to
Absolutely loving this game tbh. First kill screen vs kushala daora


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Ive got right into this, only just starting to figure everything out and im 60hrs in. playing IG at the moment after starting with the switch axe, love the movement.
HR33 and first time against Kirin last night. what a **** of an electric my little pony ****...

Mainly use insect glaive and he seems to be krytonite to it - as soon as I get a couple aerial hits on it, I get lit up by lightning. I'm trying to get used to light bowgun as a secondary build, but just fear I dont have the dps output or mobility yet, compared with the IG, so would be even worse against him.
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