But the women aren't professional footballers. They're part time players. They do all those things that are described. How is telling the truth sexist?
Didn't they lose anyway? I am against the misuse of the term heroes.
I didn't know there was a kitchen world cup.
It seems pretty clear to me and very obviously sexist. That headline would never be used for men, because it's seen as OK that they are professional footballers. However, for some that isn't extended to female players. Instead, it's something they do part time and now that's over they are back to doing their subservient roles.
It was extremely poor taste, and very sexist.
I disagree with you, and actually think that this demonstrates how far we still have to come to tackle inequality in gender.
Our lions go back to being fathers, partners and sons but they have taken on another title: heroes...
serious hate? it's only sexist from a twisted feminazi view point
Then all the teachers getting a slap on the wrist for sleeping with teenagers when a man gets sent down for years, now that's sexist
I actually saw this in the side news reel on the BBC. She avoided jail too i was shocked.
I've had enough of certain parts of society always playing the victim.
I clearly see anti-Muslim here in between the lines. See how easy it is?
So what proof we have that this tweet was written by a man in the first place?
as someone said
would be totally fine.Our lions go back to being fathers, partners and sons but they have taken on another title: heroes...
This womans world cup football has been 100 times better than the cry baby over paid mens football we have these days. That is a fact.
the cry baby over paid mens football we have these days