More proof of aliens

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In that case, uk has been invaded by aliens

Men in Black? Lol

e: Like the movie, I mean. Where you can identify "alien species" by their different non-american national accents. By that standard (aliens are foreigners), yes.

At least Star Trek made people with Aspergers aliens: "Vulcan" - Spock.
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Why do people here state that nothing can go faster than light.
When we know there are big objects that do go 2X the speed of light.

Everything we think we know is based on our planet.
Lol @ people thinking the government have secret anti-gravity machines, aliens hidden away in secret, etc.

Such nonsense,

Governments can’t even get the basics right, such as taxation, or any form of basic legislation, without ******* it up beyond recognition.

Forget it.
Like you say, technologies like this definately exist but arent public. German scientists in ww2 had antigrav and other technlogies working in a closed environment, so i think by now man-kind will have progressed in the field

The fact that German scientists in WW2 had knowledge and technology so vastly superior to the Allies that it might as well have been stone age warriors fighting Warhammer Space Marines is why Germany won WW2 so easily.

Er..wait, that didn't happen.
Why do people here state that nothing can go faster than light.
When we know there are big objects that do go 2X the speed of light.

Everything we think we know is based on our planet.

None of that is true. OK, granted, it's possible that different parts of the universe have fundamentally different laws. But why should they?
Lol @ people thinking the government have secret anti-gravity machines, aliens hidden away in secret, etc.

Such nonsense,

Governments can’t even get the basics right, such as taxation, or any form of basic legislation, without ******* it up beyond recognition.

Forget it.

Well, aliens aside, you are assuming it's elected government officials that are the brains behind such things, when it's more likely unelected officials who run the military black projects. Governments come and go, but these projects continue regardless of who is elected. Just think for a moment about the number of civil servants who remain in place despite the different elected political parties in power.
scientists used to say that man couldn't survive traveling faster than 30 miles per hour without the internal organs being damaged, then we invented the car.

Can you provide any evidence for that claim? I've heard the claim many times but never seen evidence for it. I haven't even seen good evidence of anyone at the time saying it, let alone that all scientists said it or that most scientists said it. It seem particular odd given that a fast horse can exceed 30mph while carrying a rider. Maybe that's why some versions of the story claim people said 50mph, not 30mph.
Can you provide any evidence for that claim? I've heard the claim many times but never seen evidence for it. I haven't even seen good evidence of anyone at the time saying it, let alone that all scientists said it or that most scientists said it. It seem particular odd given that a fast horse can exceed 30mph while carrying a rider. Maybe that's why some versions of the story claim people said 50mph, not 30mph. train 30mph&f=false

Regarding top-secet projects, I think it's very real we have technologies that are beyond our public understanding, but the problem is when hysteria runs rampant because people tend to react very emotionally to the notion of something being top-secret.

A good example of hysteria running away with things is Roswell.

A scientist came forward several years ago who was involved in the Roswell incident. He revealed that the US government had developed a top secret project with the intention of listening to nuclear experiments from the Soviets. The technology used in the project involved sending up a large balloon with a payload that had a highly tuned microphone that was designed to detect nuclear explosions from 3000 miles away. The technology was based on ultrasound.

The codename for the project was incidentally called "flying disc" and unfortunately in testing the balloon got ripped to shreds in the atmosphere and crashed down in Roswell.

Afterwards, the Roswell airforce was then tasked to recover the crashed balloon. This was so that the Soviets did not discover that the US government had the technology to listen for Soviet nuclear bomb testing.

However due to the press and media relentlessly trying to find out what the crash was, they did partly uncover the project name "flying disc". But the name "flying disc" then became "flying saucer" due to the media trying to make headline stories and sell newspapers, and then it just took off into a form of its own which became a completely different version of events. But the US government didn't mind, because it distracted people from what the real secret was.
None of that is true. OK, granted, it's possible that different parts of the universe have fundamentally different laws. But why should they?

You do know that galaxy's are moving at twice the speed of light away from us?
And by the time humans get to the speed of light. It will be to late.

This proves that things can go faster than the speed of light.
It's just that humans have not learnt how to do it yet.
The Andromeda Galaxy is racing towards us at 400,000kph (= 248,548.5mph), whereas the speed of light per hour in mph is 671,000,000mph. So if some Galaxies are racing away from us at twice the speed of light, that's very roughly 1.3 (billion?) mph.

The Andromeda collision fact from a book by a very attractive British Astrophysicist lady who now heads up some Aussie stuff, titled: When Galaxies Collide. I paid extra for a signed copy :-)
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Re. Faster-than-the-speed of light - I seem to recall a French fellow (on tv science doco) recently researching "spooky motion" using split photons claiming the synchronised movement between the two photon 'halves' was instantaneous - ie. faster than the speed of light.

As someone pointed out in physics forum, it's good for a next-generation and interplanetary communication signalling network once they get a better handle on it.

Quantum entanglement? Yeah we seem to know it works and is observable as you've seen but nobody understands how or why it works like that. The quantum world is quite a mystery right now but for computing quantum comes into its own and will play a huge role in our immediate lives over the next couple of decades. It won't solve space travel though

I paid extra for a signed copy

Get in there!!! :p
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No they aren't. Unless they've found an exception to special relativity.

Dark Energy. Dark Matter and Dark Energy both exist, we know they do because they make up the vast majority of the matter/mass of the universe and Dark Energy is what powers the rate of expansion. The most distant galaxies are seemingly moving away faster than light, and recent observations have shown faster than light speed is possible through the gamma ray jet bursts of a black hole without breaking relativity.

And re: Gamma ray bursts exceeding speed of light:

We know that, when travelling through a medium, particles can move faster than light does. This phenomenon is responsible for the famous Cherenkov radiation, often seen as a distinctive blue glow. That glow - a 'luminal boom' - is produced when charged particles such as electrons move faster through water than the phase velocity of light.
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None of that is true. OK, granted, it's possible that different parts of the universe have fundamentally different laws. But why should they?

It's common theory that different parts of the universe do indeed have their own laws of physics. Why? Well then we'd be going into Quantum theory/Particle Physics and I'll be here all day and I need to go to Costco in 30mins

EDIT - It's possible that the reason why we haven't been formally been visited is because our part of the universe is a bear-trap of physics where their spacecraft doesn't work in our part of the universe due to our differences and slow speed limit
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