People have this idea that teachers only work when their kids are at school. That's not true at all. Teachers get in earlier, work later, are working during holidays, and inevitably take work home with them for the week nights and weekends. They are down to work from 9-5:30, they don't go home when the kids do. The schools are open during the holidays, and staff are there working. Sure they have their holidays to take the same as everyone else, and when my wife was teaching, she was not allowed to take holidays in term time, so of course her holidays would coincide with the student's holidays, but she had many less days off than the kids did.
That's not really the case, yes they do have a few days less than the kids but certainly not "many less days off".
She taught about 30 contact hours in a week, and still did course planning and marking for another 20-30.
What on earth did she teach that she was teaching 5 hours more than students are in timetabled lessons and then did 20-30 hours planning and marking?