Morrowind 2011

My Girlfriends dad just got a decent PC and a copy of Morrowind and I was looking at patches etc to get it looking good, found this thread and thought, excellent just what I need but no, both packs are down, looks like I'll have to do some searching on bittorrent this evening...

Next up is trying to work out exactly how to get a 360 controller working nicely with the game!

edit: Actually looks like I've found the second one in a new home, so fingers crossed I'll get that downloaded today, then I can concentrate on the controller!
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When i first started going through this thread i thought "oblivion is looking good!". Just noticed this is Morrowind! Amazing! I was too hooked on Counter strike when these games were out. Never played this OR oblivion. worth a play?
Right, I'm thinking about buying GOTY pack tonight seeing as I can't find my Morrowind CDs anymore. Is this overhaul still available for download and does it work flawlessly?

I miss some of the fun scrolls and spells from MW - sadly missed in Oblivion and Skyrim, especially stuff like the crazy fortify athletics scrolls you find on that corpse by Seyda Neen. :p
Hey guys, new to the forums (although I've been lurking around PC Games/GD for well over a year now lol)


I run the overhaul without problems and your rig has better specs than mine so I can't see you having any problems.

A friend of mine made some tutorial vids, if you're new to the game..or just need your memory refreshed, here's a couple of them if anyone is interested.

And the playlist

Also this to watch out for -
Right, I'm thinking about buying GOTY pack tonight seeing as I can't find my Morrowind CDs anymore. Is this overhaul still available for download and does it work flawlessly?

I'm currently playing this, and have clocked up about sixty hours so far and am really enjoying it. Everything is set to maximum apart from one buggy shadows setting; I'm using a Q6600 with an overclocked 480, so you'll be fine.

The only query I have is that for some reason it won't let me apply more than x8 AA - even though I know my card is more than capable of it. Although I'm normally fine with x4 or even only x2 on occasion, I wanted more in this instance due to lower levels not making as much of an improvement as I was hoping for; I can't get any joy with any attempt to override by using the Nvidia cp. I had a brief tinker with Nvidia inspector, but what with it being such an old title, it's not a formality to know what settings to apply. Anyway, it's not a big deal. It still looks amazing imo, especially when you consider how old it is. I can't think very easily of anything that has had such a successful face lift! :D
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And... it's beautiful!! :D :D :D :D

Really gives my rig a workout though, might have to drop a few settings down slightly. :)
Bah! I really want to play this game. PianoBasher, where did you buy your version? Steam or an actual copy?
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Bah! I really want to play this game. PianoBasher, where did you buy your version? Steam orange actual copy?

Steam GOTY edition. The overhaul installer is almost completely automatic, very easy indeed! The only thing you really have to do is disable steam community in game for mw.
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