Morrowind 2011

On my 4 Ghz I7 920 and GTX 460 SLI @ 900 / 4200, I'm getting 12-19 FPS o.O

When I disable SLI it goes up to 50 FPS with 16x AF and 8x transparent AA, and is really smooth but has a lot of loading slowdown. Though dont forget that Morrowind came out long before SLI / Crossfire did so it wouldnt be optimised for it.

I tried the default 2048 x 1024, 8196 x 8192, and am currently using 4096 x 2048 textures in the lod generator.

The highest was waaaaaaay too slow, It seems to be using up a lot more that 1 Gb of Vram which would explain why.
hey dudes

it looks like the original site has been taken down, but I manged to download this but it only has a link to that site for the instructions. from what I hear its not that simple so I was wondering if anyone can trust me, or PM me about the instructions if they have them?
I rerolled my character and used the Drain Skill Exploit :p

It wasnt actually because I wanted to level up, it was to get my main skills up to 100 (Destruction, Restoration, Conjuration, Alchemy from major / minor, Longblade and Heavy Armor in Misc), and 100 Endurance, Intelligence and Willpower. Before this I took Unarmored as a major skill as well as every willpower spell school, and getting +5 modifiers at level ups was a pita. Never take any of the armor skills / unarmored / block as a major / minor, they ruin your stat allocation by progressing towards your level ups.

Now I can play through the game without accidentally leveling up, and control my remaining levels with more skill drain training. Next step is to get my spell absorption up to 100%, and a suit of fortify intelligence Ebony armor, and find the highest level alchemy set =D
Hmmm, heres a new compilaton mod thats been approved by the modding community so far:

I have a huge problem with the grass mods in the 2011 compilation as they create impassable barriers and cause me to get stuck everywhere, and lots of item names and graphics are corrupted to, so I'm going to try this one out instead.

Woop i was waiting for that to be done :D

Yeah 2011 mod gave me graphic errors ingame :(
Well i tried to go and get a copy of the GOTY edition and it was like looking for hens teeth. I swear there were all over the place 1 year ago in the 2 for £15 from the usual highstreet game places.

Anyway i bought it from the rainforest people for a reasonable sum. I'm kinda kicking myself because i have the 4 CD version with the huge map and sold it off because i took a disliking to it after playing Oblivion

It was quite jarring going from a living world with loads of speech, to just reading tiny text boxes every few moments. The cites seemed so empty compared to even Oblivion!

*Are there any speech packs mods for MW?
*Is there a mod where you actually ride the slitrider instead of magically appearing at the arrival destination? I still remember how disappointed I was after my first strider ride when there was no animation!
*Are they any mods to populate the cites way more then currently?
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*Are there any speech packs mods for MW? Nope, atleast none that are good

*Is there a mod where you actually ride the slitrider instead of magically appearing at the arrival destination? Don't think so

*Are they any mods to populate the cites way more then currently? Morrowind Comes Alive (MCA) is one that comes to mind first and theres also a Less GenericNPC mod but I'm not too familiar with it.

Also shame on you for selling off your old copy! :p
I originally bought morrowind and bloodmoon original boxed versions on two for £15 and was just missing tribunal. I never knew about it back then and never bought it. By the time I found out about tribunal, I had to pay £25 for the whole triple pack (GOTY edition wasnt out then, it was a box with the normal cover and all 3 games inside), which I thought was too much just for tribunal, so I shamelessly made a copy of the Tribunal CD and returned the triple pack :O

I still want to buy just the original boxed tribunal on its own, but you cant get it at all so thats why I copied :(

The GOTY version sucks, no map or manual, just the CDs.

Well, I found the GOTY by Masteronic on amazon market for £6.50. I'll buy that and swap the box cover with my original one :)
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Never take any of the armor skills / unarmored / block as a major / minor, they ruin your stat allocation by progressing towards your level ups.

Now I can play through the game without accidentally leveling up, and control my remaining levels with more skill drain training. Next step is to get my spell absorption up to 100%, and a suit of fortify intelligence Ebony armor, and find the highest level alchemy set =D

And therein lies the main reason i get sick of Morrowind/Oblivion if i don't mod the leveling system. Having to **** around and not play as you want because it will overlevel and gimp you. So stupid that you can't play as a warrior and take your warrior skills because it'll make you level too fast and you can't get the 5x multipliers.
And therein lies the main reason i get sick of Morrowind/Oblivion if i don't mod the leveling system. Having to **** around and not play as you want because it will overlevel and gimp you. So stupid that you can't play as a warrior and take your warrior skills because it'll make you level too fast and you can't get the 5x multipliers.

Drain skill exploit is a nice way to do it without artificial cheating. In Oblivion I hated the leveling. The more skills of different schools you train, the more gimped you end up, and only being able to train 5 times per level made it harder to get the +5 modifiers.

I really hope they work out a better method for Skyrim.

I'm going to have to start again with the new compilation anyway as I ruined my 2011 instal trying to get it to work, and wanted to remake my character. I want to have Destruction, Restoration, Conjuration, Alchemy and Enchant as my major skills to level them to 100 with the lowest possible level gain, and then my minor skills anything that I dont use and wont over level. I'm moving both Mysticism and Alteration to Misc skills this time. I take light armor and a weapon I never use and just use heavy armor and longsword + shield from misc skills :p
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Whats the 5x multipliers and over leveling you guys on about is that for morrowind ?

I never played it much before so morrowind is sort new to me :)


You need to level 10 skills of the same attribute per level to gain a +5 modifier to that stat on leveling.

Perfect leveling in morrowind / oblivion revolves around getting two +5 modifiers for each level up, plus 1 point in Luck. Its a lot of pain and hassle to do, but is easy using the drain skill exploit in morrowind. Alternatively, you can open up the command window and cheat, but that ruins the gameplay for me as opposed to using the ingame trainers.
Drain skill exploit is a nice way to do it without artificial cheating. In Oblivion I hated the leveling. The more skills of different schools you train, the more gimped you end up, and only being able to train 5 times per level made it harder to get the +5 modifiers.

I really hope they work out a better method for Skyrim.

I'm going to have to start again with the new compilation anyway as I ruined my 2011 instal trying to get it to work, and wanted to remake my character. I want to have Destruction, Restoration, Conjuration, Alchemy and Enchant as my major skills to level them to 100 with the lowest possible level gain, and then my minor skills anything that I dont use and wont over level. I'm moving both Mysticism and Alteration to Misc skills this time. I take light armor and a weapon I never use and just use heavy armor and longsword + shield from misc skills :p

I just hated how the game always felt more like i was playing the leveling system not playing the game. It was frustrating how you felt like you HAD to go afk while sneaking against a wall for 20 minutes just to get a x5 multiplier on Agility. Or that if you were playing a Stealth character on no account could you take Sneak as a major skill because it was considerably better to just go afk for a while and Sneak against a wall till it was high enough.

Does Morrowind have a version of Oblivion XP? Made the experience so much better when you chose your skill/stat boosts when you levelled.

Whats the 5x multipliers and over leveling you guys on about is that for morrowind ?

I never played it much before so morrowind is sort new to me :)


I know bhavv answered but i will too.

To get a 5x multiplier you need 10 skills with the same primary attribute to level up before you level up yourself (by that i mean reaching 10/10, you can't go over and still level them).

Its a ridiculously flawed system as if you wanted to play pure mage and took Destruction, Restoration, Mysticism, Alteration, Alchemy, (the other 1), Illusion as your major skills which is perfectly acceptable surely? But no, as the games leveling system works out those skills are ALL the Intelligence/Willpower ones so while you could reach a x5 Strength or Agility multiplier by artificially boosting Sneak or something 10 levels, your Intel/Will are almost certainly gonna be stuck at 2 or 3x which leaves you gimped attribute wise. Not to mention because you took all skills you actually use you will level up quite quickly before you are prepared for it and wind up coming up against strong enemies that you can't really deal with.
So i've got my GOTY edition through the post now. So has anyone played the new mod without any problems or is it actually broken?
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