I decided to preorder a PS Vita through the Gunwharf HMV in Portsmouth. It wasn't the best deal around but I knew I couldn't rely on deliveries of any kind if I wanted to get it anywhere near release day. I paid for it in full when I preordered, even though the stupid **** wouldn't let me hold a game with it as apparently it was unfair on everyone else(the deal was Vita with free Uncharted or FIFA). Technically I already paid for the game with the console but I had to go and I couldn't be bothered to argue with the idiot.
Fast Forward to 2 days after release, at this point im still in the Navy and the ship has just come into Portsmouth. I'm duty weekend so I can't leave the ship and it's sailing first thing Monday for 2 weeks so I get someone to cover me for an hour while I pick the console up, he owes me a favour so I don't feel bad about asking.
I rush off the ship and head to the store and find out that someone has sold the console I ALREADY PAID FOR to someone else despite there being a note on it saying that I would pick it up a few days late. The member of staff tries to source another Vita but they're all gone, he then rings the other HMV and it seems they have some in stock. So I run down to the Commercial Road HMV and get picked up for not wearing my beret while i'm running as I'm still in rig
. Although they have the console, they don't have Uncharted. So after another 10 minutes or faffing around they ring the other store and have them put the game aside, cue me running back to the Gunwharf HMV.
I didn't see the same guy this time as I think he ran off into the stock room to hide but I did manage to collect the game. What should have been a simple pickup instead took up 70 minutes of my time correcting other peoples mistakes. I didn't kick up any fuss for them being so useless as I needed to back to the ship as I was already taking longer than I said I would.
I preordered to avoid the hassle, not create more for myself.....