People who Like to Change their Computer Case:
I reported this to one of your guys some time ago. I am in the Microsoft Partner Program due to being a small systems integrator and purchasing the Action Pack subscription. After my purchase I reviewed their "presentation" on the OEM Toolkit.
Essentially the reasoning goes like this. You can swap out anything in your computer except the motherboard and you don't have to buy a new license. If you replace the motherboard you must repurchase Windows.
Their reasoning is that as an OEM, when the system changes, you can't be expected to support it. So, an OEM that sells a computer and puts on a copy of Windows XP OEM then months later the motherboard is replaced you must purchase a new license.
Their reasoning is that the person that sells you the new mobo is now the OEM and hence you can't be expected to support it.
Essentially, it is one of support. If you change your hardware that dramatically it no longer is the same machine. Since OEMs support Windows when the OEM license is sold with the hardware, well, I think you understand.
There actually is another time when you must purchase a new license. That's when you change your computer case. The reason is the sticker. Since the OEM license requires the sticker be placed in a visible place on the outside of the case, and the fact that it is against the license to remove the sticker, you must purchase a new license to remain legal.
This is a stealth requirement. It is the same computer but a different case. It is the same lines of code, etc. It is unreasonable. Microsoft devised this as a method of forcing more purchases, even though the OS is exactly the same.
The same goes for the replacement mobo. It isn't the OEM that is required to purchase or replace the OS. It is the consumer. So, even if the consumer doesn't care about support they are still legally bound to do it. There should be no reason for this requirement. As well, it impedes agreements between the OEM and the customer by forcing Microsoft's idea of support on the product, hence impeding free enterprise.
The only way that I know of to overcome this is to purchase the retail version. So, as a matter of course I never purchase the OEM versions.
Unfortunately Microsoft provides only OEM licenses to the Action Pack subscribers, and hence if I upgrade a computer inhouse I lose one of the licenses. At least that's the way it looks.
Frankly, IMHO, it is a con. Essentially, it is theft. It should never be up to Microsoft to force decisions on a customer and if their basic license was reasonable to begin with (over-inflated prices due to their monopoly) then customers would not have this quandary. If the OEM decides to support a license on a replaced MOBO Microsoft should not be able to thwart that.