Motion Sickness i games!

27 Jan 2005
Expat in HK
Dammit, just installed HL2 and i just come off with a killer headache and the feeling of wanting to be sick. Nice.

Strange, i've never had a problem with the original Half Life, nor any other FPS bar Painkiller. I wonder what the dealio is?

edit: Just played CS:Source and everything is FINE! G'argh to this human defect!

Also, apologies for thread spelling, double G'argh... PIRATE PETE!
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i feel sick from looking at CRT monitors the curve makes me dizzy and sick but this has only just started .. maybe becasue ive had tft sibce like october?
Sanzy said:
i feel sick from looking at CRT monitors the curve makes me dizzy and sick but this has only just started .. maybe becasue ive had tft sibce like october?

Is the CRT running at 60Hz?
The fov 90 command did the trick! Playing it in all its 1600x1200 4x AA, 16x AF GLORY! Nice.
Unfortunately I get motion sickness with any FPS so I cant play any of them, but then Im very senisitive to motion sickness as I pretty much throw up on boats, fair ground rides etc. :(
Yeah, there was a big stink about this when HL2 was released, something to do with it's viewing angle (the amount that gordon could see on the screen).
I got this too which was really annoying as I had really been looking forward to HL2. I can play it for about 30-40 minutes then I need to stop or I will get really bad motion sickness which takes a long time to pass. Consequently I never finished it as I couldn't get into it playing it for only 30 minutes at a time. Fine with other FPS.
When I was a lad, and we got our first decent PC (486DX2-66) I used to play Descent for a couple of hours, and physically want to be sick....that game made me soooo ill!
I get the same with HL2.

Never had it with any other game before or since, and as stated it takes ages to pass. Way longer than I'd actually been playing.
As aforementioned, try typing in the console, "sv_cheats 1" and then "fov 90." Also add "default_fov 90" in the config.cfg just as a second measure. It doesn't work for some, but it worked so i was just able to compensate for the amount of motion.
Never heard of this, didn't experience it myself but having googled it, it does seem like a problem :confused:
Must admit that I've never had motion sickness though... Land sea or air I'm pretty stable.

My dads friend bought HL2 and I really wanted it. After a few days, he developed motion sickness and couldn't play it. So he gave me HL2! Winner!
it's a major issue in VR fields, because although presence in a visual sense is quite easy to acheive, if your pov(the camera/virtual image) is moving then you inevitably get issues with simulating said movement to prevent motion sickness
the more immersive the situation is the worse it gets
I've had the problem with all FPS games for as long as i've played them, some worse than others, i'm fine at first but after a while i stop playing because of it. Probabaly a good thing because it encourages me to take a break regularly, although the feeling isn't good :(

I always thought it was odd though since it's no a problem for any other games, and also I don't get motion sickness in cars or boats, or anything else. I always thought it was just me though or something.
i had it a little bit on doom but was fine on HL, i have a crt moniter but its got a flat screen and runs at 80hz.

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