Motion Sickness i games!

The only time I've ever experienced it was in BF2 as a co-pilot in a Jet. The pilot was pulling some crazy evasive manouvers and I was never sure what to expect.

I never have any problems when I fly, just when the control is out of my hands and I'm not sure whats going to happen next.
only case ive had is with painkiller, not the first time i played it but the 2nd a year or so later which was weird
fullfat said:
only case ive had is with painkiller, not the first time i played it but the 2nd a year or so later which was weird

Yeah, that and HL2 for me. Definitely the game and not us then. :D

I'm gonna see if there is a way to change Painkiller's FOV as changing it in HL2 made the game playable for me.
The Jet said:
Yeah, that and HL2 for me. Definitely the game and not us then. :D

I'm gonna see if there is a way to change Painkiller's FOV as changing it in HL2 made the game playable for me.

its funny as i could play half life 2 for hours withouth problem and ive replayed it a few times aswell without difficulties.
the first time i went through painkiller i was ok, but the 2nd is a no go. maybe its because im getting soft in my old age i dunno lol.
Worse game ever for motion sickness: Alien Vs Predator

Playing as the alien i can last about 10 mins before i feel ill :D
I get motion sickness too from playing HL2.My copy is now gathering dust on the shelf :( Dont remember the original HL being like this though.
only game that ever gave me motion sickness was unreal tournament.

that is when playing, pretty much any FPS makes me feel ill if i'm watching someone else play (though only if over their shoulder, not if i'm watching a replay).

assume that's something to do with me not knowing which way they are about to turn, which obviously isn't the case when i'm playing.
You big bunch of girls. You should have been flying with me today, then I could show you motion sickness. Boy was it choppy...

Is there not something you guys can do about this? Or is it an unavoidable curse? I'm interested as I believe my brother has this problem.
The thing is I get it with HL2 but have never had it at any other time. Boats on insanely choppy seas when everyone else was throwing up, planes (where people are trying to make you sick), trains, cars... I never get motion sickness. But I get it in that game, madness!
Ive read that if you change the field of view (FOV) for HL2 from 70 to 90 it can help with motion sickness. Heres how:

sv_cheats 1
default_fov 1
fov 90

Also increasing refresh rate, turning weapon and player bob off can help. Id be interested to know if this helps those of you that have trouble with HL2.
this is the 1st thing i heard about this :( i sat down on the 1st day it came out was up for the luanch as well and completed it then
WHOA! Sorry to bring this back to life, but just found out that I'm not the only one :rolleyes:

See, had to restart HL-2 again after loosing my saves. Been playing it very slowly, not more than 20 mins no thanks to motion sickness. But this is the weird thing, before I lost my saves I had no motion sickness feeling after Nova Prospekt till where I'd reached, Our Benefactors. This time its not gone & I'm at Anticitizen One :mad:

Anyway going to try the fov 90 'fix'. Maybe the system auto-applied it last time :confused: EDIT: My refresh rate's always 85Hz, wanted to try 60Hz because I see thats what other games run at but its not recommended?

Never gotten sick from any game, well except Battle Outrun on the Sega Mastersystem a-long time ago, & don't think that was 'motion sickness' :o
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Your not alone, I can't play many FPS games as after 40mins I want to Vom

I tried all the tricks so I could finish HL2, but itwas the Boat and Buggy levels that just killd it for me. I was feeling rough before them, but after I thought I was going to die.

I stick to just RTS and MMORPGs now.
I've never had motion sickness from a game but I did get cramp in my neck from looking up...

I was playing the original Serious Sam and got to the end of Egypt with the MASSIVE boss and you have to keep looking up to fight him.

Though I was looking straight at the monitor and it was only my wrist moving the mouse upwards after I had finished fighting him (10 mins or so) all the muscles in my neck felt cramped like I had been looking at the sky for ages....weird huh!
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