Motion Sickness i games!

Years ago I used to play Doom during my lunch hour in the office. One guy used to come in for a chat now and again and would complain about feeling sick when he watched. He put it down to his suffering from Epilepsy as he didn't get travel sick at all it was just when he watched me play the game.
Boogle said:
{snip}hp7909: Always 85hz or above, or the eyestrain will be a killer. Games can run at 60fps thats fine, but make sure you run the monitor itself at 85hz or above.
Yes, being in IT, always insist on people using the highest refresh rate their monitor can handle, well anything above 60Hz (unless its a TFT). If anyone doubts me, pull out the camrea phone & show them a simple experiment - focus on the screen with it & show them what their eyes are actually seeing :eek:

What I don't understand is why some games choose 60Hz, e.g. GTA San Andreas? Normally override the settings but the game's crashed on several occassions :(

-|ScottFree|- said:
{snip}How do you change the FOV then, do you use a script in the console? or can you change it in the options? Would ike to install that game again... think I might do it now. Would love to do it again without the motion sickness issue!!!
This worked for me :) & played it for over 2 hours yesterday without feeling a single thing, well just getting shocked now & then :o
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