Motion Sickness - Thread

I felt pretty bad whilst playing Dead Space. It wasn't the gore either. The horrible camera position made me feel weird.

Otherwise, I'm usually ok.
The only time I remember getting this, is when my mate projected Call of Duty onto the side of his house - I'd had a few beers and the massiveness of it all started spinning me out, I don't think it's quite the same - either way sufferers have my sympathies.
My dad suffers from this badly. I really do mean that bad he actually is sick.

It all started when we were playing toy story on the sega mega drive back in the day,it came to an alien level where you had to pick them up with a claw. there was a moving background then all of a sudden he just felt dizzy and had to lay down.

Now when ever he has friends around and were all having a go on my g27, he can watch fine but as soon as he joins in he cant play 2 minutes without feeling sick.
you would think if games caused motion sickness it would be bad in real life to. It is for him, but the opposite. He can drive a car but if he reads something like a sat nav or a road sign, he just gets very sick. If hes in the passenger side he cant look out the window. He has to be physically driving and concentrating on the road and moving around (typical driving stuff like changing gears, pedals and wheel etc) to not feel sick in a car.
I can't remember the name of the game it was from a few years ago, but it was an FPS pretty sure you played as a space captiain. The headbob int hat made it the only game to cause me massive headaches.
Very good video. I get this a lot with COD4. Not sure if it's a common occurrence amongst xbox players, might just be the distance I am from the TV but it cuts play time short.

The only other game I remember having it on was Half Life 2 online(think its named HL2 Deathmatch?).

Then again, I get motion sickness whenever I'm in public transport or in the passenger seat of a car. Always the designated driver :p
AvP.... I remember when running up and around the side of the walls and on the ceiling I just almost hurled over the keyboard I just uninstalled it :)

Also HL2 during the boat riding part.... almost got me there was in cold sweats lol
I'm lucky I guess, I can play fps in the dark in 3D Vision for hours and the only pain I ever get is the glasses digging into my head from the headphones squashing them.
I've never normally had problems with any game that i've played and i've been playing games from a very young age.

I did have it in Borderlands a few months ago when i bought it, didn't know what was happening just felt really sick and felt the urge to be sick. I downloaded a Config Editor for it though and turned of the bobbing, motion blur and increased the FOV and i am now fine with it. I've even played Dead Island and experienced no motion sickness.

Hopefully doesn't happen in any other games as with Borderlands i felt really ill and i enjoy my gaming.
Fallout does it to me on occasion, Killzone II/III also have the same effect on occasion, Unreal Tournament III did it far far too often for my taste, though I do suffer from migraines sometimes, the symptoms and effects are almost identical! in the real-world I don't get sick in cars, trains or anything like that but cannot do boats, terrible sea-sick!
I felt pretty bad whilst playing Dead Space. It wasn't the gore either. The horrible camera position made me feel weird.

Dead Space makes me feel ill after 5 minutes, Borderlands was another culprit but I managed to adjust the FOV on that. Half Life 2 is another one but was never as bad.
I remember playing Half Life when it first came out and it gave me motion sickness but I completed it about 2 years ago (the steam upgraded version) and I was fine.
Dead Island gave me a very bad motion sickness after playing for about 20 minutes so I haven’t touched that since.
The only other game I remember getting motion sickness was Time Splitters 2 on PS2.
Borderlands played that a lot (completed) and I was fine all the time, played Stalker as well and was fine but never completed.

EDIT: and I remember now call of juarez made me sick too just after playing for about 10 min, never touched it again.
same and Half Life 2 and Prey , Playing Prey for a few min, I would need a lie down lol . cant complete HL2 as a result :(
Dont have any problems with BF3 Or BC2 weird


Till this day, I still haven't play hl/hl2.

I can play any other games as long it doesn't use the UT engine.
It's actually called simulation/simulator sickness. I've never been able to complete HL2 because of it.

Michael Schumacher has admitted that he suffers from it when using the Mercedes F1 Simulator and he's not the only F1 driver to admit to it.
I threw up after an hour of playing Dead Island. Upped the FOV and disabled motionblur and was totally fine for 10h+ sessions after that.. have played the majority of fps' since like 1995 and never had this before. As an ex-pro gamer it kinda took me by surprise.
apart from descent a long time ago, i didn't really suffer until all the console ports came along, namely borderlands and dead island at the moment.

I wonder if any of the people who don't suffer from it actually end up with headaches/feeling sick once they stop playing and their vision has to return to normal?

Ideally FPS games should ask you how big your screen is and how far away from it you are sat, kinda like the calibration needed when you first setup a wii with its remote, this way the fov can be set to suit.

Same thing happens with console games if you sit too close to the screen, think they are all designed around having something like a 30" screen with you sat 3-4 metres away, instead you end up playing from a 24" screen half a metre away :(
only ever had motion sickness once. Playing Alien vs Predator 1 while playing as the alien!
I'm with you there. I'm not sure if it was motion sickness or my brain just not keeping up with the speed and rapid changes of direction but I moved on to playing as the Predator after that ;)

apart from descent a long time ago...
Descent was the same, so fast though much smoother. It really pushed the limits of your reaction time and spacial awareness like nothing I've played since.
I get this a lot and it's damned annoying when you spend money on a game only to find it's unplayable after 15 mins!

It's only on FPS, never expereinced it playing any other type of game, such a driving games. If I can see the character on screen then I don't get it either.

FarCry 2
Half Life 2 - The worst! After 15 mins I need a lie down!
Dead Space

I have completed some FPS games without an issue: FarCry and Oblivion for example.

For a few horrible minutes I experienced it on Skyrim but I've come across something very interesting. After 10 mins I could feel my eyes aching and I had the motion sickness feeling, it was a bit like putting on someone's glasses (I don't wear them) After looking at the mod thread there's an option to change the FOV. So I changed it from the default to FOV 75 and it was instantly better! :)
I ended up setting Rage to some insanely high fov (120) in order to make it playable for me. It still gave me a bit of a headache though and playing it for more than 30-60 mins at a time was impossible.
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