Motion Sickness - Thread

I used to suffer from mild motion sickness when travelling in the back of a car on long journeys, now though i only get it if I read or look at an electronic device in a car, front or back :(.

Only other issue I had was when playing on a PS1 round a friend's house and I used to leave with horrendous headaches which attributed it to the refresh rate on the little TV we were playing on, was only 50Hz I think and that ruined me :(
Half Life 2 was bad for me.
Dead Island is unplayable.
Never noticed a thing with Borderlands.

I'll have to give the FOV thing ago and see how I get on. Good advice, thanks.
Half Life 2 (didn't know about changing the fov back then) was the worst for me. From what I've heard it's pretty much the worst game for motion sickness sufferers. After a few minutes it was unbearable. Deus Ex 3 was bad on the default fov. Skyrim is unplayable for me at the moment, Oblivion was bad, but for some reason I could play Fallout 3 for hours. Most other FPS games are fine if I change to a higher fov. I think Skyrim just has weird camera work and bobbing that just messes with my perception of movement. Increasing the fov makes it slightly better, but I haven't found an ideal setting, so I'm thinking of just giving up on it.
Worst game for me is Turok. I don't think anyone who suffers from motion sickness can play this for longer than 10 minutes without feeling ill. Half Life 2 was bad the first time I played it but I then retried it around 12 months after release and it was fine.

Worst game for me is Turok. I don't think anyone who suffers from motion sickness can play this for longer than 10 minutes without feeling ill. Half Life 2 was bad the first time I played it but I then retried it around 12 months after release and it was fine.


Turok was pretty bad, yeah, though the original Goldeneye (in singleplayer) was worse for me. GE multiplayer was fine, weirdly.
I've used them before yes, they don't cure my problem just get in the way as I said I have an inner ear inbalance. Glasses are not the cure all

I used to get motion sickness, although not from playing games. Have you tried ear plug style ear phones?
A mammoth Half Life session made me so ill, I never went back to it. I couldn't even get past the demo of HL2 because of the same problem. :(

No problems in any other FPS's, bar Rainbow Six - Vegas on the 360. The only other game to mess me up was Mount and Blade - Warband. Solved that by dropping the resolution.

It's one of the things that makes me a tad wary of purchasing Skyrim. The gameplay vids show a lot of erratic/fast movement.
I get terrible motion sickness in BF3, even worse than BF:BC2. I've asked for a refund after less than an hours play and been ignored :(.
I get terrible motion sickness in BF3, even worse than BF:BC2. I've asked for a refund after less than an hours play and been ignored :(.

I got that a bit in bf3 (and a bit less in bfbc2). A combination of high fov and low settings helps a lot. Disabling bloom and all the hdr-y effects also helps.
Half Life 2 is unplayable because of the motion sickness.....shame because I love it but I feel so sick after playing it for even just a short period!

This is the only game I have ever experienced it on though :( I keep trying it again every now and then hoping I've grown out of it or something but same thing happens :(
I got that a bit in bf3 (and a bit less in bfbc2). A combination of high fov and low settings helps a lot. Disabling bloom and all the hdr-y effects also helps.

Tried everything and still had no luck. Oddly enough, after posting that, I got an email from EA asking me where I'd purchased it (which was the origin store), and that if it was Origin they would refund my money.

I wonder if they read ocuk :p.
I remember playing a Die Hard Fps years ago that made me feel queasy after minutes of play, i would literally stand up and feel like i had been spun round and couldnt walk straight. It's the only game thats ever done it too me, i feel sorry for people who suffer it in most games they play, awful :(
Portal 2 is the only game which makes my stomach churn, not looking down when flying around helps a bit but I still feel like I'm on a rollercoaster!
I remember being a little bit tired one night playing Arma 2 when I first got it, I had all the motion blur and Head bob settings on, I played it for about 5 minutes and could feel my head swaying around in time with the game, I got up and turned the light on and felt as if I was going to pass out.

I can handle the Head bob being on now, but if I turn on the post process effects I can feel myself going closer to the screen just try and spot people.
1st time a game ever made me ill was doom(gave me the worst migraines)
I have been lucky since then apart from super long gaming sessions giving me a headache, but the only other thing which hurts my head is the stupid sprint in all the gears of war games :(
Another BF3 victim here, had a few days of banging headaches before i realised what the cause was, never had it before, thought i'd messed up my medication :eek:
Not the same problem but used to get awful headaches from CRT monitors for years. Once TFT's became mainstream they went away completely!
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