Motion Sickness - Thread

I get terrible motion sickness in BF3, even worse than BF:BC2. I've asked for a refund after less than an hours play and been ignored :(.

Started to get this too :(

I pretty much built my new rig mainly for this game and I can only play it for 1/2 hr to 45 mins before I literally start swaying with dizziness and nausea.
The quake 3 engine is the worst, Quake 3 and all the other games based around it have always made me sick and its the most complained about, but its a lot of fun too.
I got some hardcore motion sickness in Half Life 2. Glad to see I am not the only one lol.
Play for 30 mins -> feel ill for a few hours = not worth it.

Was worried about CoD: MW3 because it is so fast paced, but I got used to it after a few days and no longer feel ill while playing it (on PS3) :)

I have no problems with playing Crysis, so something in that game protects me from getting motion sickness.

I do not wear glasses.

I believe it is caused by your brain recieving mixed messages from your eyes / ears. One is telling your brain that you are moving, and the other is telling your brain that you are not moving. The brain believes the mixed messages mean the body is under attack from a toxin, and hence it makes you throw up in order to remove the toxin from the body :o
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I have issues with some games too and found a marked improvement when I switched to a 120hz LCD Monitor.

I've tried many things to try and improve it in the past. So far this is the only one that's made an actual difference.

I suspect I have inner ear issues or sinus problems. It's not bad enough to cause me any problems in normal day to day life though.
Never had issues until i played Far cry 2 that game gave my blinding sore headaches and nausea had no other option to stop as it was not worth the pain in playing
I've never had issues, until I started turning up the FOV in games (which I prefer), but now I would never play a game if the FOV was significantly lower than 80-90. I immediately wind it up if I can.

I guess that's more like me reacting to a problem before I start getting sick.

Edit: I posted in the wrong thread... my apologies, everyone.
I get terrible motion sickness in BF3, even worse than BF:BC2. I've asked for a refund after less than an hours play and been ignored :(.

Why on earth would they give you a refund? They can not give refunds because you have a condition you know about or didnt know about. Normal people are fine
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I feel abit funny sometimes racing in cockpit view in games if the head movements are over the top. Michael Schumacher apparently gets sick as a dog when he uses F1 simulators too :D
You know the feeling in your stomach when your in a car and go over a hump, or bridge.

I get that when if FPS or car games when I jump of somthing high. The worst was in BF2142 in the jump pods.

I thought I was the only one. I get the same thing in some games when I jump off something high. Worst is in WoW. But I don't get it when I jump off things in BF3.

Very Wierd
Never had a problem with Borderlands/Half Life, however I couldn't play Stalker due to this, don't know why, but had to give up. Never realised there was a fix for it either but I guess there is.

Also recently had an issue with Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Thinking back now I was actually playing without my glasses on, but changing the FOV to 100 fixed it I think.
Epic multi-generational thread necro. Because why make the same thread muliple times?

I've discovered recently that I get really bad sickness in certain kinds of FPS only. Outdoor (e.g. Skyrim) I can play for hours, np, no sickness.

Narrow corridors with lots of right angles (think air vents), and not being able to see very far (I know - it's weird) make me sick in a matter of minutes. One of the worst games I've ever (tried to) play was I think Qube, which made me feel horrifically sick almost instantly. Right-angles, primary colours, weird lighting... vomit bucket, please! Man, the headaches from that were immense, and the nausea.

I'm not sure if this is just a problem with getting older.

Anyone else finding they're starting to suffer when maybe previously they didn't?
The Soldier of Fortune 1 engine did that, being a passenger is cars with soft suspension (basically any car that isn't using sports suspension lol) messes with my mind, but if I am driving then no problem at all. The issue with the game engine probably stemmed down to the fact that back then everything was 60Hz and lower fps anyway so probably didn't help. These days it's 144Hz with super fast motion and VRR on OLED etc so if I was able to play SoF again I doubt the same would happen.

Otherwise no issues.
Last game i played that i couldn't play for more than 5 minutes was Borderlands 3. Any fps that doesn't have an fov setting was clearly not tested by anyone that gets motion sickness.
There are some things that I hate in games though which make them feel horrible for me to play. Motion blur and depth of field get turned off straight away these days, I hate the sensation of things becoming blurred when they don't line up with how my eyes are actually working. Chromatic aberation as well, that just looks awful. High refresh rates have kind of spoiled me over the years, even 60 feels a bit off at times, I can adjust to it though after a little while.

Not motion sickness, but I suffered from a bit of anxiety a few years back brought on through work, it managed to work it's way into my enjoyment of PvP games without me really realising for a while, I think just from a pressure to do well or some kind of social anxiety. I'd be fine most nights then have just one where I'd barely be able to get a round in without feeling mentally drained and nauseous, it was super weird, it changed my habits to jumping online for single games and then quitting out to play something else. I thought it might have been some form of motion sickness for a while until I got things in order, after that it went away pretty quickly.
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