Moto X+1... let the hype-beasting begin!

4 Jun 2009
Meh, moto had a real chance to shine. Phone looks crap design wise as well imo, especially the back.

Can't say I have any complaints with the N5 battery life, it has been absolutely amazing for me, posted a few screenshots in N5 thread before where I have 1-2 days and about 4 hours screen time.

And my latest battery usage with minimal usage, probably get another 1 hour of screen time; auto brightness, mostly browsing, few phone calls and emails, updating/installing apps, bit of camera:

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Still love the n5, amazing phone "overall", only way I will change to the new nexus is if:

- it has good stereo front facing speakers
- an even better camera
- SAMOLED screen and no bigger than 5"
- no more than £350

Anything else will just be a bonus.

I did have a few weeks period where my battery life was shocking, couldn't get any more than 2 days with even less usage but it seemed to have sorted itself out....
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17 Oct 2005
North of Watford Gap
Ignoring the obvious hardware flaws... it's just a random phone. I barely care what a phone looks like but you'd struggle to pick this out of a lineup. It has absolutely zero identity. It could be from any number of cheap Chinese startups.

It's like Motorola thought "well, here's a generic phone we couldn't be bothered to style, so do it yourself by giving it a new back with Motomaker!". No thanks.
14 Dec 2007
And when that is a let down we will all cry together in a circle QQ.

Z3c was interesting, I want to see how it feels, it doesn't have a oled display :(

LOL - here we go lining up for disappointment :p Couldn't believe how tall the HTC One M8 was when there was chance to make a compact phone with a 5" screen. Thought the use of on screen 'buttons' would have taken care of that yet there is still a huge waste of space under the screen. Not that I'm HTC's biggest fan with disappointment of a unresolved faulty M7.

Be surprised if the Nexus X is less than 5.2". Being possibly Motorola will it have 'active display' and 'touchless control' as per the X? Two of the things I like about the old Moto X. It seems bigger is better? The big screens do look nice but don't find them all that practical.

After all the spin from Motorola before the release of the original as to how extensive research said that a 4.7" phone was about the ideal size. Then they throw all that out the window and go 5.2". Also beggers belief that the same company saw a market for the Razr Maxx and HD Maxx and then stuff a small battery in their latest flagship? I do wonder if it's part of a plan to sell fast chargers and battery backup chargers :rolleyes: Moto could be daft enough to release a bigger battery version 6 months down the line and annoy most that have already bought one.

Old Moto X could get a new lease of life with L. Not that I find it feeling particularly old. There is talk of some of the new features, such as they are, filtering down to older models of X and G. Updates have been fast be it OS or Moto apps to the original Moto X. Nothing about the new X makes me want to trade up. I'll check it out when it appears in the stores but don't envisage handing a credit card over :)
9 Apr 2012
- it has good stereo front facing speakers
- an even better camera
- SAMOLED screen and no bigger than 5"
- no more than £350

I was hopeful about stereo speakers but after what Moto have done with the Moto X, where there are two speakers but only one is used (WHAT?), I'm less confident now.

Camera improvements are likely.

AMOLED I think is unlikely. I think it'll be around 5-5.2 inches.

I'm thinking around £400.
15 Nov 2007
HTC almost had my money, its just the phone is so tall, and going back to sense form GPE seems like a lot of work, and as I typically sell phones after I'm done with them it could become and issue.

It is a bit too tall, but the whole feel of the thing... I just went back to my M8 after 3 weeks on my N5 and the difference is astounding. Everything about the M8 feels smooooooth... it's such a pleasure to use.

I'm with you on the hassle of Sense VS. GPE. I also go through phones pretty quickly and it seems to be a lot of effort to go back and forth between different software images. The Nexus is soooo much easier - just download the factory image, type a few commands and hey presto the whole thing is done, wiped and ready to sell.

I think selling a GPE version might be an asset; some people would rather have one without the effort of doing it themselves. But it could also narrow the audience - it's only valuable to a small proportion of people.


I totally forgot that I could just unlock, root, and install a GPE ROM. Obviously this isn't 100% the same thing as having a GPE phone, and means that the radio/bootloader may not match the latest one due to lack of direct OTAs, but it is a lot easier to return to stock - see

Anyways, apologies for dragging this thread off topic! :D
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4 Jun 2009
I was hopeful about stereo speakers but after what Moto have done with the Moto X, where there are two speakers but only one is used (WHAT?), I'm less confident now.

Camera improvements are likely.

AMOLED I think is unlikely. I think it'll be around 5-5.2 inches.

I'm thinking around £400.

Yup, my wish list is unlikely :(

Only way we will get an AMOLED screen is if the phone is made by moto or Samsung (highly unlikely)

Only way we will get stereo front facing speakers is if it is made by Sony or HTC.

I think LG are rumoured to be making the new nexus again?

£400 will probably be the price for the 32GB model, I would go with the 16GB assuming we have that choice...
15 Nov 2007
IIRC the general rumours are that the new Nexus will be 5.9", made by Motorola and called the Nexus X. Apparently there will be a 5.2" version, depending on the sales of the new Moto X. I'd expect that to be a rebranded Moto X.
4 Oct 2008
LOL - here we go lining up for disappointment :p Couldn't believe how tall the HTC One M8 was when there was chance to make a compact phone with a 5" screen. Thought the use of on screen 'buttons' would have taken care of that yet there is still a huge waste of space under the screen. Not that I'm HTC's biggest fan with disappointment of a unresolved faulty M7.

Be surprised if the Nexus X is less than 5.2". Being possibly Motorola will it have 'active display' and 'touchless control' as per the X? Two of the things I like about the old Moto X. It seems bigger is better? The big screens do look nice but don't find them all that practical.

After all the spin from Motorola before the release of the original as to how extensive research said that a 4.7" phone was about the ideal size. Then they throw all that out the window and go 5.2". Also beggers belief that the same company saw a market for the Razr Maxx and HD Maxx and then stuff a small battery in their latest flagship? I do wonder if it's part of a plan to sell fast chargers and battery backup chargers :rolleyes: Moto could be daft enough to release a bigger battery version 6 months down the line and annoy most that have already bought one.

Old Moto X could get a new lease of life with L. Not that I find it feeling particularly old. There is talk of some of the new features, such as they are, filtering down to older models of X and G. Updates have been fast be it OS or Moto apps to the original Moto X. Nothing about the new X makes me want to trade up. I'll check it out when it appears in the stores but don't envisage handing a credit card over :)

Nexus 5 was 5' even thought its based off the LG G2, I think Google could keep it down a tad, which would make it a much better device in my book. I'm not hugely fond of the middle ground, either go 5.5" or stay 5", cause I can't really use a 5.2" device in 1 hand and you miss out on bigger display/battery life benefit off a 2 handed device.
17 Apr 2009
GSM Arena's review is out:

I still really want to like the Moto X. The nail in the coffin for me though is on the second page; "sunlight legibility is the screen's Achilles heel". Combined with the poor battery life and mediocre camera, I'm struggling to justify buying one. Moto Maker is a great idea, I love the look of the device and the software enhancements seem genuinely useful, but the bar is just set too high at the moment.
20 Apr 2013
Meh. I keep thinking that next year phone manufacturers will finally sort out battery life thanks to a more efficient processor/chipset/whatever. Instead they just add features and make the phone slightly thinner...

I suspect I may be waiting a few more years... give me an equivalent of the Galaxy S2's 'extended battery' - or better yet, a 'Max' edition of a phone with a bigger battery!
15 Jan 2010
Best review of the MotoX yet.

Unfortunately, after all of this we are left in a bit of a tough position. Fundamentally, the new Moto X doesn’t change the market. It simply isn’t the best Android phone on the market. Regrettably, there are too many issues to make this a clearly superior smartphone. The poor camera, battery life, and display when compared to the competition are three issues that need improvement to be competitive.

At best, the new Moto X is equal to its peers. For those that strongly value the concerns I’ve talked about will likely find the new Moto X to fall short of its peers. However, those that strongly value software, design, and software support may find the new Moto X to be right for them.

That’s ultimately a concerning position for Motorola though, as this means that they’re directly competing with the Nexus line of devices. While this wasn’t really true for the previous Moto X by virtue of its compact size, Motorola’s choice to join in the display size wars hurts their differentiation. While it made sense to continue pushing smartphone sizes even larger last year, my experiences with just about every phone this year leads me to conclude that smartphone sizes have gone too far for anyone that found 2013 smartphones to be a good fit in terms of size. In terms of pure hardware, the Moto X is unfortunately caught by the desire to keep up with other smartphones in display size while trying to keep one-handed usability by reducing thickness. This kind of compromise seems to be the theme this year, and Motorola is no exception.

In short, screen isn't good enough, battery isn't good enough, camera isn't good enough, but design is excellent.
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15 Nov 2007
If the Nexus this year is really 5.9", this will definitely be the phone for me.

MotoMaker has me pretty much sold anyway, I love Motorola's commitment to design and playing with it this morning was pretty fun. The only real bugbear for me is battery life.... I guess we will see.
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