Moto X+1... let the hype-beasting begin!

Trust me I didn't enjoy sending back multiple devices to Amazon. Thank god for their returns policy.. :D

I agree stock android is on some next level everything feels so fluid and cohesive.

That Anandtec review sends shivers down my spine everything I read it...puts me totally off buying the Moto X 2014! :eek:
Got it, first impressions are nice build and feels great in the hand. Very very fast, and the screen is large and clear. I'm happy that it feels lighter and is a little easier to handle than my M8.

Stoosh - Had an M7 and sent it back multiple times to HTC only for it to come back 'repaired' but in the same condition I sent it in :mad: That alone put me off the M8. Still have the M7 though crashes every time it boots or simply goes into boot loop. It wasn't rooted or fiddled about with btw.

That Anandtec review puts me off the new Moto X :eek: Other reviews are better .. mostly. Battery not great but looks like a days use is quite possible - though maybe not heavy use. Never have any trouble with my stock 2013 Moto X. Best screen on I've had was just over 4 hours but my average is around 1.5 hours and battery at 40% by 11pm (off charge at 6am). Doesn't sound a lot but calls and weak signal take a toll.
Stoosh - Had an M7 and sent it back multiple times to HTC only for it to come back 'repaired' but in the same condition I sent it in :mad: That alone put me off the M8. Still have the M7 though crashes every time it boots or simply goes into boot loop. It wasn't rooted or fiddled about with btw.

That Anandtec review puts me off the new Moto X :eek: Other reviews are better .. mostly. Battery not great but looks like a days use is quite possible - though maybe not heavy use. Never have any trouble with my stock 2013 Moto X. Best screen on I've had was just over 4 hours but my average is around 1.5 hours and battery at 40% by 11pm (off charge at 6am). Doesn't sound a lot but calls and weak signal take a toll.

Mate I know exactly what you're talking about. HTC and their QC have to be questioned. I tried the M7 and swapped it out at least 5 times before giving up. Did the same with the M8, I'm certainly not going to try it with the HTC M8 successor whatever it's going to be called. I've learned my lesson now.

Shame you can't get rid of the M7, just for the reason that it crashes or goes into a boot loop. You definitely got a faulty M7 there. Is it still in warranty?

The repair company that deal with HTC's repairs are shoddy beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Right deep breath....rant over...onto the Moto X 2014.

You're right, the Moto X won't win awards for battery life, however I'm hoping that it's slightly better than the Nexus 5, with the turbo charger at bay I can live with the mediocre battery life. The Moto X is the 5.2" successor to the Nexus 5 and if the Nexus 6 ends up being the 5.9" monster that is increasingly looking likely to be released. I can see loads of Nexus 5 owners moving over to the Moto X.

Let's see how it pans out.
After the new update (38r) I'm having signal problems and the battery has gone a little worse than 33r.

Signal goes to 0 then jumps to full, data randomly stops working. Multi touch problems registering multiple fingers when phone placed on pillow or soft chair, missed taps which don't register.

They have approved my request to send it back for a full refund. Good riddance.
@ Stoosh. I could put the HTC One onto Ebay as faulty but know it'll end up hassle :rolleyes: Can't believe how useless HTC support are. Not only do they send it back unrepaired 3 times but then ask me my opinion of their service. Funnily when I gave it them they never got back to me :confused: Ah well, write it off and move on. Shame really as it was a good phone when it was working. Not sure how long HTC warranty is? It is over a year old now.

As for the new Moto X the reviews make it quite tempting (mostly). Maybe more tempting if it was a little cheaper. Having an original Moto X I could easily go for the new model ..... ONLY the old model works so well and just fits the hand so nicely I'm not very keen on changing. I'll mention the less than 11GB of user storage is about the only downer of the old X though thankfully Google Music alleviates that prob.
Signal goes to 0 then jumps to full, data randomly stops working. Multi touch problems registering multiple fingers when phone placed on pillow or soft chair, missed taps which don't register.

The same thing (essentially) happened on the 4.4.4 update on the 2013 Moto X.

The signal bars are completely wrong now and the signal is just crap in general. It's annoying as the signal was previously very good.

I am still considering buying a Moto X 2014 just to try out. I wonder what stoosh has to say about that ;)
The same thing (essentially) happened on the 4.4.4 update on the 2013 Moto X.

The signal bars are completely wrong now and the signal is just crap in general. It's annoying as the signal was previously very good.

I am still considering buying a Moto X 2014 just to try out. I wonder what stoosh has to say about that ;)
It must be a software issue, normally Motorola are know for their excellent radios.

I wanted the new Moto X but after looking at the price tag and battery capacity it put me off.

Edit: oops sorry lol

I'm on the wrong forum. I thought this was the Oneplus one forum, as them issues were with a Oneplus One not Moto x.
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The same thing (essentially) happened on the 4.4.4 update on the 2013 Moto X.

The signal bars are completely wrong now and the signal is just crap in general. It's annoying as the signal was previously very good.

I am still considering buying a Moto X 2014 just to try out. I wonder what stoosh has to say about that ;)

Alec, I'm on 4.4.4 on the 2013 Moto X and don't have the issue you have (of no help to you). Since mention of it earlier here (or was it the 2013 Moto X thread?) I've watched for this issue and find the signal bars very occasionally 'lag' when phone is woken. It'll show something like full bars (when I know there isn't) and then drop down to maybe a bar after maybe 15 to 30 seconds.

I'd not mind trying the new Moto X or even handling one, for that matter, but not seen any in local stores. If I go to that well known site that accepts returns without hassle I'd be limited to 16GB and no Motomaker. Not sure how Moto are regards returns? Moto X 2014 looks OK but doesn't have anything to make me really want to change from 2013 Moto X. Can't say any new phone out currently, grab my attention.
You have 14 days wherever you buy it from, as long as you buy it online.

And don't let them tell you that you can't use it, you definitely can use it.

Distance selling reqs are different if you order a custom one through Motomaker. Think they will allow you to swap it for a different one but not give a full refund.
In that case I'd buy one at Amazon and if it's OK send it back and go through Motomaker. If I didn't like it then send it back and do nothing :D Either way I'm abusing Amazon's good service. Can't say I feel comfortable doing that but guess plenty do? No wonder Overclockers don't sell phones :rolleyes:
@ Stoosh. I could put the HTC One onto Ebay as faulty but know it'll end up hassle :rolleyes: Can't believe how useless HTC support are. Not only do they send it back unrepaired 3 times but then ask me my opinion of their service. Funnily when I gave it them they never got back to me :confused: Ah well, write it off and move on. Shame really as it was a good phone when it was working. Not sure how long HTC warranty is? It is over a year old now.

As for the new Moto X the reviews make it quite tempting (mostly). Maybe more tempting if it was a little cheaper. Having an original Moto X I could easily go for the new model ..... ONLY the old model works so well and just fits the hand so nicely I'm not very keen on changing. I'll mention the less than 11GB of user storage is about the only downer of the old X though thankfully Google Music alleviates that prob.

I hear where you're coming from putting a faulty phone on Ebay is not the best move. Good attitude to have - write it off and move on.

HTC do make decent phones but their QC and build quality is shoddy to say the least. I won't buy a HTC phone again.

Eventually the Moto X will come down in price, but the Droid Turbo absolutely trounces the Moto X in specs I don't see why Motorola couldn't include the same specs in the new Moto X.

The old Moto X is a good phone and still can hold its own against the competition today but the memory was is the only issue and why I didn't buy one in the end...if they released the 32GB then it would've been a different story.
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