So it's in the spirit of the sport for another rider to knowingly scupper someone's else's championship
So long as it's not riding unfairly, though I have to admit this is probably the first time I've seen it in top-line motorsport where there's no contracted party (team, supporting team, etc) involved.
Marques did nothing wrong. He wasn't racing dangerously, he wasn't swerving or blocking. Even the commentators and fans were vocal in how great it was. Each pass by both he and Rossi was clean, up until the deciding one. In hindsight I didn't like what Marques was doing and it doesn't sit easy with me, but there wasn't anything wrong about it.
I read some comments before I watched the race, but my jaw still dropped dropped when I saw it. I wanted Rossi to win this season so much, but now if he somehow pulls it off it will be tainted.
I hope there's been an awful lot more happening behind the scenes than we've seen to cause Rossi to do this. Surely there has to have been, and perhaps race control knew about it so he wasn't disqualified or banned, as from the outside either or even both could be justified.
Either way it's such a shame.